How do you spend RMB 10,000 in Shanghai?

What would you do with RMB 10,000?

It's well-known that the cost of living in Shanghai is very high. With RMB 10,000,  you may be able to buy many more things in other provinces, but in Shanghai......

RMB 10,000 for housing cost

Buying a house in Shanghai:

If you want to buy land in Shanghai, you can buy less than 1/5 square meters of land with RMB 10,000- not even a spot for a single bed.

Shanghai's housing price trend in 2019, nearly RMB 47,000/m

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Housing price in Xuhui district, Shanghai (about RMB 121,111/m)

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Buying a house in other cities:

With RMB 10,000, you can buy land two or three times bigger than that in Shanghai. Still can't afford enough to lay down for sleep though.

Chongqing's housing price trend in 2019, nearly 13,000/m

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Wuhan's housing price trend in 2019, nearly 17,000/m

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Nanjing's housing price trend in 2019, nearly 29,000/m

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Renting an apartment in Shanghai:

But to be honest, it's only RMB 10,000, not a million, who's gonna buy a house with it? However, renting an apartment with it might be a good idea. Take Xuhui district as an example, if you want to rent a one-bedroom apartment, the monthly rent will be around RMB 5,000, which means with RMB 10,000 you can rent an apartment for only 2 months.

Renting an apartment in other cities:

The same money will give you 4 months in other cities. For example, Tianji:

Attention people in Shanghai-Maybe sleeping under a bridge is not such a bad idea.

RMB 10,000 for a license plate

If you want to spend this money on your transportation, then maybe you want to buy a car:

Yeah...just kidding, the problem in Shanghai is that even though you can buy the car easily, the license plate for your car is not that easy. Let's see if you can get the plate with your RMB 10,000 or not.

Bid on license plates in Shanghai:

The reason why it's that difficult to get a license plate in Shanghai is that the city has to limit the number of cars. Therefore, Shanghai now uses the "auction policy" for new license plates. At present, the price of license plates in Shanghai has exceeded 80,000 RMB. People joke that it's the "most expensive iron plate" on Earth. In this situation, the RMB 10,000 in your pocket can only buy a single number on that plate.

The price of license plates in Shanghai in August.

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Bid on license plates in other cities:

Other cities in China also have car purchase restrictions, including Beijing, Guangzhou, Tianjin and so on. But the license plate price is not nearly that high compared with Shanghai.

RMB 10,000 for taxi fee

It seems cars and the license plates are too far away from the people who just own RMB 10,000. But taxis should definitely be affordable!

Taxi base rate in Shanghai:

In Shanghai, if you want to take a taxi (not platforms like DiDi), the base rate is 14.

Taxi base rate in other cities:

It's much cheaper in other cities. For example, the base rate is 13 in Beijing, 5 in Changchun, 8 in Dalian, 3 in Wuhan, etc.

RMB 10,000 for parking fee

Parking fee in Shanghai:

Parking in downtown Shanghai can cost a lot. Take People's Square as an example, most parking lots in the area cost at least RMB 10 per hour.

Parking fee in other cities:

In other cities, however, even in the most prosperous areas, parking on averagecosts only RMB 2 to 5 an hour.

What did Lulu do with RMB 10,000 ?

It seems like there isnt one best way to spend RMB 10,000. Recently, video personality and one of AnyHelper's dearest friends, LuLu Romano (aka AF) asked other 20-something-year-olds about how they would spend the money. Watch until the end to see what LuLu did with RMB 10,000 in starting her own business!


LuLu with her new entrepreneur visa!

Want to see MORE LuLu or intern for her? Long press the QR code below!

LuLu had the idea of starting a business in China, and AnyHelper helped make it happen. For more entrepreneurs' stories, click HERE.

If you are interested in the entrepreneur visa, feel free to contact our visa specialist Lisa!

How about you? What would you do with RMB 10,000? Share your ideas in the comment section below!

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