20200426 China News

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Voice Broadcast

April  26, 


China News

3 minutesKnow China


Thorough hygiene inspections are being carried out in the canteens of newly re-opened schools, as well as their meal supply units and nearby food businesses, to ensure food safety. The inspections are being performed by the Shanghai Administration for Market Regulation, the city's education authorities and police.


Researchers at the iHuman Institute of ShanghaiTech University have made a major discovery about a protein that has a role in controlling obesity. Their findings were published in the international journal Science on Friday.


Multinational companies are showing their strong commitment to the Chinese market, with some of their local factories posting record production figures and a new foreign investment project being launched despite the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.


China and the United States should take the opportunity to fulfill the phase-one China-US economic and trade agreement to enhance cooperation and remove destabilizing factors to boost bilateral business ties, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday.


Premier Li Keqiang has called for resolute efforts to expand domestic demand with multiple measures to promote the rebound of consumer spending and spur the growth of online retail sales to stabilize China's economic fundamentals and restore growth.


The Chinese government has mulled allocating an additional quota of 1 trillion yuan (about $141.52 billion) in advance for the issuance of local government special bonds, said the Ministry of Finance (MOF).


Though the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on foreign-funded companies operating in China, the possible withdrawal of some United States and Japanese companies will not crash the country's economy as supportive government policies, market scale and an advanced industrial supply chain are sufficient.

SourceGlobaltimes, Xinhuanet, Chinadaily, Shine, GdtodayChina Plus News

Author: Producer Emilio Mendez

Speaker: Caroline Parraguez

Edition: EAcham

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