People in This Province can Conditionally Take Off Their Mask!

Source: HangzhouTube, Xinhua News, China Daily, www.

Good morning

On March 16, Anhui Province issued the guide to the use of masks for the public in low-risk areas. According to the requirements of differentiated management in different regions and levels, the public is not required to wear masks in seven scenarios, which are as follows: 

  1. When being alone or driving; 

  2. When outside, alone, in an open and sparsely populated area; 

  3. Family of Green code holders with no symptoms such as fever and cough; 

  4. At work, all green code holders can if they are without fever, cough and other symptoms. Additionally, the distance between people must not be less than 1 meter, and each person occupies an area of not less than 1 square meter (except for special industries and posts); 

  5. During meetings, all participants who are green code holders, without fever, cough and other symptoms, and the distance in between is not less than 1 meter, and each person occupies an area of not less than 1 square meter; 

  6. When doing exercise in an open area outdoors, with no people gathered; 

  7. Infants, as they shouldn't wear masks. 

When will Zhejiang follow the step?

China advises nationals against traveling abroad amid pandemic

Chinese authorities on March 16 suggested that residents on the mainland not travel abroad amid the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, particularly to countries hit hard by the pandemic.


Officials with the National Health Commission and the National Immigration Administration made the remarks at a press conference.


As of March 15, over 140 countries and regions worldwide have reported confirmed cases of COVID-19.

China tightens border quarantine against infectious diseases

People infected with quarantinable infectious diseases or suspected epidemic victims who refuse to receive isolated observation or fail to truthfully fill out their health declaration forms at border checkpoints, such as international airports, in China, could face criminal penalties, according to a guideline made public on March 16.


The guideline was jointly released by the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Justice and the General Administration of Customs amid the country's efforts to strengthen quarantine measures to guard against imported COVID-19 cases.


The guideline listed six kinds of behaviors that could constitute the crime of impairing frontier quarantine measures, targeting individuals who spread or risk spreading a quarantinable infectious disease identified by the State Council, including plague, cholera, yellow fever and COVID-19.

7 flights bring 1,100 overseas Chinese home

China's civil aviation authority has so far sent seven flights to bring back a total of 1,101 overseas Chinese in countries hit hard by the novel coronavirus, according to the Civil Aviation Administration of China.


After completing the process of health quarantine and information registration, the passengers will be transferred to the departments designated by local governments.

Zhu Tao, chief of the administration's Flight Standard Department, said the administration also sent a chartered flight carrying a 9-member Chinese expert team, along with medical supplies, to help Italy contain the epidemic, as well as five cargo flights delivering over 78 tons of emergency supplies to aid foreign countries.


Plan to gradually withdraw medics from Hubei to be made

As the novel coronavirus outbreak gradually subsided in Central China's Hubei province, the central authorities ordered local governments to formulate plans to gradually withdraw medics who arrived in Hubei to aid treatment efforts since January.


The decision was made on Monday at a conference by the central government's working group on epidemic control, according to China Central Television.


Local authorities should hand out subsidies to frontline medics in a timely manner in sufficient amounts, as promised, according to those at the conference.


Those at the conference also urged local governments to draft plans to help out-of-towners stranded in there to head home. Efforts also should be made to promote the employment of rural workers, as well as labor forces from Hubei province.

For Expats in Zhejiang

