Weird Head-Turning Place Names Around China!

Have you ever driven through a small town in the middle of nowhere or looked on a map to find its name and think what the?

Weird city names are all over the world. Today, the GiCexpat team has collected a series of Chinese cities that has both us Chinese and foreigners laughing out loud.

1. Li g j 


Six chicken

2.   Li yu dng s j 


Chickens froze to death in June


poop ditch

4. Dog shit nest

5. Inside the toilet

6. Wipe ass mountain

7. In the burial mound

8. Nong Bi Tun

9. Mars village

10. Orgasm village

11. Foot wash water

12. Very black village

How black it is?

13. babe

14. Kill people ditch

15. Four kilometers

Five kilometers

Six kilometers

Eight kilometers

Have you ever seen or heard of any weird city names around the world?

Let us know in the comment section below to give us all a good laugh to wrap up the weekend!

Editor: Crystal H

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