China Kick-Starts Development of 6G Technology!

China has officially begun the research and development of 6G technology according to the Ministry of Science and Technology on Wednesday.

The country's Technology Bureau has formally set up a team of experts to work on the next-generation mobile internet connection.

A total of 37 telecommunication specialists drawn from universities, institutions and corporations are on the panel, which is tasked with laying out the development of 6G and proving the scientific feasibility of it.

Wang Xi, deputy minister of the Technology Bureau, said at the conference that the bureau was set to work with the experts to design a specific research plan for 6G and carry out preliminary research. 

China's three state-owned telecommunication carriers - China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom - launched their 5G data plans just last Thursday.

The country is due to activate more than 130,000 5G base stations by the end of this year to support the network, which is one of the world's largest 5G deployments.

Source: dailymail

Editor: Crystal Huang

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