Mom Almost Dies From Heart Attack Just For Son's Maths Homework

We all know that being a parent is no that easy. Agree?

"I explained it to him many times but he still couldn't get it. I was so angry that I could explode,"! 

"Suddenly, my heart was palpitating and I couldn't breathe properly."

Then she immediately called her husband and was sent to the hospital with a heart attack that almost claimed her life.

The doctor at Xinhua Hospital's internal medicine department diagnosed Wang with myocardial infarction or a heart attack.

"She caught it in time. If there had been any delay, she could have suffered from heart failure," the doctor said.

After getting better, Wang told reporters that she would often get exasperated with her son but never expected that it would have such serious consequences.

In fact, negative emotions like stress and anger will affect parents' health and also have adverse effects on kids. 

Many netizens shared similar experiences on Weibo. 

One user commented:" maybe you should hire a tutor!"  

Source: aisaone

Editor: Crystal Huang


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