New Salary Standard for Foreigners in this City Released!

Source: OT-Team(G),东莞市科学技术局

  On July 3rd, the Science and Technology Bureau of Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, released the salary income calculation standards for 2024 foreigners applying for work permits in Dongguan.

  The science and technology bureaus of each city will determine the latest foreign talent salary standards of 4 times and 6 times based on the average annual salary of urban non private sector employees published by the statistics bureau in the previous year. 
  In 2023, the average annual salary of employees in Dongguan was 98,726 yuan. Starting from July 15, 2024 (based on the first online submission date), foreigners applying for a Class A work permit to work in China based on salary must have a monthly average salary of at least 49,362 yuan (6 times the local average salary of 8,227 yuan in 2023). For a Class B work permit, the monthly average salary must be at least 32,908 yuan (4 times the local average salary of 8,227 yuan in 2023).
