Zhejiang Requires Teachers & Students to Follow These on Holiday

Source: HangzhouTube, Global Times, People's Daily

Good morning

As May Day holidays are approaching, education bureaus in Zhejiang cities have made demands on teachers and students not to travel outside the province during the holiday. 
Hangzhou Education Bureau advocates teachers and students to follow these instructions:
  • In principle, do not travel outside the province;

  • If teachers or students have to leave Hangzhou during holidays, they should report to the school for record before setting off, and report to the school in time after returning to Hangzhou;

  • Driving is recommended, and people shall try to avoid checking into hotels;

  • Prepare food before going out to reduce the eating outside;

  • Avoid the crowds, and wear a mask in crowded places;

  • Rest more and parents shall keep an eye on kids mental health during holidays.

The notice also put forward requirements for the epidemic prevention and control in the campus during and after holidays.

Campuses at all levels should strictly implement Closed loop management during the holidays.
After the holidays, schools should grasp the whereabouts of teachers and students who have been on travel and monitor their health status in a timely manner; for teachers and students who travel back to Hangzhou for hard-hit areas, testing should be strictly implemented; when returning to the school, all shall provide a green code and pass the temperature screening to enter the campus.

Jiaxing Education Bureau has also issued a notice requiring all teaching staff and students not to leave Jiaxing. In the case they have to, they shall file with the school, indicating the destination of the trip, means of transportation, date of return and possible contacts.
After returning, they should also report in time and fill in the health declaration form before entering school. Anyone who returns from a hard-hit area shall be put under a home-based isolation according as per the regulations accordingly, and can apply for returning to school only after passing the nucleic acid test.

 Chinese mainland saw 22 new cases

Chinese mainland reports 22 new confirmed COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, with 21 imported cases, and 26 new asymptomatic COVID-19 patients.

1,087 imported cases have been discharged

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Monday witnessed the highest number of discharges of imported cases in China. In total, 1,087 imported cases have been discharged from hospital as of April 27.

Working station of China's CDC in Suifenhe opens

The working station of China's CDC in Suifenhe opened on Tuesday. Experts from China's CDC said they will provide long-term support to the small border city. The CDC has already built a lab for COVID-19 testing, which opened on April 12.

Next year's Olympics will be cancelled if pandemic not over

The postponed Tokyo 2020 Olympics will have to be cancelled if the coronavirus pandemic isn't brought under control by next year, the organizing committee's president said in comments published Tuesday.


The pandemic has already forced a year-long delay of the Games -- which are now scheduled to open on July 23, 2021 -- but Tokyo 2020 president Yoshiro Mori said no further postponement was possible.


Mori noted the Games had been cancelled previously only during wartime, and compared the battle against coronavirus to "fighting an invisible enemy".


If the virus is successfully contained, "we'll hold the Olympics in peace next summer", he added. "Mankind is betting on it."


On Tuesday, the head of Japan Medical Association warned it would be "exceedingly difficult" to hold the Games next year if a vaccine has not been found.

Students in Hangzhou wear special hats to maintain social distancing

Cute overload! 

On April 27th, a set of photos of students in Hangzhou Yang Zheng Primary School was released on the Internet and soon went popular. 

Colorful little hats primary school students wear to keep a one-meter social distance on their first day back to school.


For Expats in Zhejiang

