Please! Keep these in mind during Labor Day Holiday

The upcoming Labour Day holiday is expected to see a record number of over 80 million tourists as people try to return to normality after the recent COVID-19 lockdown, according to a recent report by We hope you can enjoy and stay healthy during the vacation as China is still under the epidemic prevention and control period.


Always bring your passport and wear the mask.

Bring your negative COVID-19 test report if applicable. Individuals can now sign up for the test in Shanghai HERE.

Bring a record of your recent travel history (domestic or abroad)

Know the risk level of where you live (check it HERE.). Some cities (e.g. Heilongjiang) are still considered "high risk". Some destinations might REQUIRE quarantine for travelers from these areas.

Cross province/city travel is NOT recommended as it may cause uncertain risks.

Make sure your travel destination and accommodation are open and allow your entrance.

 Bring a health certificate issued by your neighborhood committee or the temporary residence registration form.

As always, if you have further questions, let us know. You can reach our real-time Q&A system at the end of this article.


When going out, under what circumstances can I take off the mask?

The epidemic is not over yet, and there are still risks in crowd gathering. If you go out, you should still wear a mask in crowded and public indoor places.

In areas where the epidemic is not serious, there is no need to wear a mask when there are few people outdoors or in an open area. It is recommended to prepare a clean plastic bag to store the mask that is temporarily taken off, and prepare a clean mask at the same time just in case.


Who is not recommended to travel?

It is safer to travel to most areas where there is no recent case report, but you still need to be vigilant in areas where there are still new imported cases or local cases, especially if you're among high-risk groups such as the elderly, patients with chronic diseases, and pregnant women. Traveling is not recommended for these groups of people.


There are international flights at Pudong Airport. Is it "dangerous" to take a domestic flight?

Don't worry too much. Shanghai has implemented a 14-day centralized quarantine for international arrivals since March 28. After getting off the plane, passengers on international flights are directly sent to the centralized isolation point through a dedicated channel (closed-loop operation), and related facilities will also be disinfected. Passengers on domestic flights cannot access facilities such as the international arrival hall.


Do I have to take a temperature when entering a train station or airport? Should I arrive half an hour earlier than usual?

It is necessary to measure body temperature, but Shanghai railway stations and airports use the infrared thermometer, which is a fast and easy way of measuring. Recently, the passenger flow of railway and civil aviation has improved compared with February and March, but it was still at a low level compared to last year. So there is no need to arrive half an hour earlier than usual to avoid passengers gathering.


What should I pay attention to when taking the high-speed rail?

Alcohol disinfectant, bleaching powder, etc. are not allowed. Disinfection wipes are allowed but limited to a reasonable amount for personal use.

You should report personal health info and get your health code as required by your destination.


Are all the parks in Shanghai open? What are the precautions for entering the park?

All city parks in Shanghai have all been opened. According to relevant regulations, the number of park visitors must not exceed 30% of the approved maximum carrying capacity, so all A-level scenic spots and some popular parks require reservations at present. Before you travel, pay attention to the WeChat public account of each park to obtain reservation methods and admission information (let us know if you need help). Bring your ID card (e.g. passport), wear the mask, and present your health code.


I can't get my Shanghai health QR code because I dont have a Chinese bank card to verify my identity in Alipay.

If you can't complete Alipay's real-name verification,  you can use a universal health code that works across China. Extract the code to get yours.

Get your Shanghai health QR code HERE.


I'm afraid I can't book a hotel in Shanghai because of my identity or some other reason during the COVID-19 period.

We recently did notice that some of our expat friends are unable to book a hotel room. After rounds of negotiations with local hotels in Shanghai, we have a confirmed list of expat-friendly and affordable hotels. You should be able to stay in these hotels while in the city. Check the list HERE.


I have further travel-related questions...

For Shanghai:

  • Call 962288. It's a 24-hour English service hotline that's also available in French, Japanese, German, Russian, Spanish and Arabic. You can ask epidemic-related details, including quarantine rules. More info HERE.

For other cities:

  • Phone hotline: Click HERE for hotlines in different regions across China.

  • WeChat hotline: See below to access AnyHelper real-time Q&A system via our WeChat menu.

Safe travel and enjoy your holiday!

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