COVID-19: National Mourning for Victims

Source: People's Daily, Xinhua, CGTN, China Daily, Global Times, CBS, iFeng, Baidu, Global  News Agencies, Majdi

The Chinese national flag was flown at half-mast at downtown Beijing's Tiananmen Square on Saturday to mourn people who died in the fight against COVID-19.

Public recreational activities were suspended across the country to express deep condolences of the people of all ethnic groups for the martyrs and compatriots.

Today Saturday is declared a day of mourning for the thousands of "martyrs" who have died in the new coronavirus outbreak.

The day of mourning coincides with the start of the annual Qingming tomb-sweeping festival, when millions of Chinese families pay respects to their ancestors.

At 10 am (0200 GMT) Beijing time, the country observed three minutes of silence to mourn those who have died, including frontline medical workers and doctors. Cars, trains and ships sounded their horns and air raid sirens were wailed.

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COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. Hit New Daily High of 1,480

Healthcare workers wheel the body of deceased person from the Wyckoff Heights Medical Center during the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the Brooklyn borough of New York City [Brendan Mcdermi/Reuters]

The U.S. recorded a new daily high of 1,480 COVID-19 deaths in the past 24 hours, taking the total number to over 7,400, according to the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. 

A total of 276,995 COVID-19 cases have been reported as of Friday after an increase of over 32,000 infections since the previous day

The state of New York, as the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak in the country, has reported over 100,000 cases with over 3,200 deaths, according to the center.

U.S. President Donald Trump announced in a press briefing that the government is now recommending Americans to wear cloth face coverings on a voluntary basis as many people have proven to be asymptomatically infected. But he added that he would not be wearing one.

Other US states started asking citizens to wear masks: 

  • Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is advising people in his city to wear some sort of face covering in public.

  • NYC Mayor de Blasio urges New Yorkers to cover face with scarves or bandanas while outside.

  • Colorado Gov. Jared Polis asked everybody in his state to wear a mask when they leave their homes.

A Rush of Local News

Chinese mainland on Saturday reports 19 new confirmed COVID-19 cases, with 18 imported cases and 1 local case from Hubei. 64 new asymptomatic COVID-19 cases were also reported.

Alibaba's logistics affiliate Cainiao has donated up to 400,000 face masks to postal companies in Spain, Italy, France, Belgium, Poland and the Netherlands, after receiving their requests for emergency medical supplies assistance.

China's consular office in Chicago said it has plans to bring back minor overseas Chinese students in the US via a chartered flight, but the plan has not been finalized: Chinese media. About 1.6 million Chinese students study abroad, of which 410,000 are in the US.

A man from Central China's Henan Province was sentenced to a year and a half in prison, for hiding his overseas travel history in March so that he averted the government's mandatory quarantine for COVID19.

A man was sentenced to 8 months in prison in Beijing after hiding his travel history to Wuhan amid the COVID-19 outbreak, which resulted infecting his mother and leading to 28 others put under quarantine.

A local case of COVID19 in NE China's Liaoning Province on Thursday was confirmed to be a driver responsible for transporting passengers entering China from abroad.

Hong Kong started to implement a new measure Friday to temporarily close bars and other liquor-selling premises as the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases increased to 845. The new measure, which is due to last for 14 days starting from 6 p.m. local time on Friday, is applicable to bars, pubs and other premises exclusively or mainly used to sell liquor for on-site consumption.

A Rush of News

Nearly 8% of staff working for the UKs National Health Service (NHS) are currently off sick, health minister Matt Hancock said in an interview with Sky News Friday. Hancock said 5.7% of doctors were off work.

Italian luxury shoemaker Sergio Rossi has died aged 85 after being hospitalized with the coronavirus, the mayor of the designers home town said.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has returned to her office after a 12-day quarantine following possible exposure to the new coronavirus.

US economy lost 701,000 jobs last month, and the unemployment rate rose to 4.4%, the Labor Department said on Friday. The leisure and hospitality industries saw the sharpest declines, with 460,000 jobs lost.

Russia will suspend all flights bringing Russians home from abroad from Friday night, the Interfax news agency cited sources as saying.

Germany's largest football stadium  the Westfalen stadium will be a coronavirus treatment center starting tomorrow, the Borussia Dortmund football team confirmed in a statement.

Modelo Group, the Mexican brewer of Corona, announced it was halting production and marketing of its beer, according to a statement released on the companys Twitter page Friday. The company said it was taking the steps to comply with the measures adopted by the Federal Government of Mexico. 

A South Korean physician who contracted the new coronavirus died early Friday in the city of Daegu, the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. It was the first death of a medical professional from COVID-19 in the country.

Singapore announced on Friday stricter measures including closing most work places and schools in an attempt to contain the coronavirus spread.

Countries Confirming First Case/death

Libya has reported its first Covid-19 related fatality. The patient was an 85-year-old woman, who tested positive for the virus after her death.

Kyrgyzstan reported its first death, a 61-year-old victim has died of coronavirus.

Hard-Hit Countries

Spain: The amount of people that have died from the coronavirus has seen its first daily fall since March 26. A total of 932 people died in the last 24 hours, down from 950 people the previous day, according to Reuters who cited the countrys health ministry.

Tokyo on the Verge of a Massive Outbreak

Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike is asking residents of the prefecture to refrain from going outdoors unless necessary this weekend in order to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Japan reported 235 new cases of the novel coronavirus on Friday morning, bringing the total number of recorded cases in the country to 3,329. The capital Tokyo saw its largest single-day rise yet of 97 cases. There are now 684 infections in the city.

Koike warned that the situation in the Japanese megacity is worsening and could be on the verge of a massive outbreak.

Concerns after Mumbai's Dharavi Reports COVID-19 cases

Authorities in Mumbai are concerned over the possible spread of the new coronavirus in the densely populated slum of Dharavi after a man with COVID-19 died and a doctor and municipal corporation worker tested positive.

The 56-year-old man who died on Wednesday night was the first to test positive from the sprawling shanty town in India's financial hub.

Spanish Grandma Celebrates 101st Birthday Under Treatment for COVID-19

A family in Spain hopes the story of its centenarian matriarch's victory over the new coronavirus will be a message of hope. Encarnacion Buisan celebrated her 101st birthday in a hospital in the city of Huesca, after becoming the first patient officially admitted with COVID-19 on March 15.

Two weeks later, she's going home. 

"I want this to be hope for everyone who is ill, that they see that my mother, at 101 years old she was admitted at 100 years old and she celebrated her 101st here well that they see that there is hope, and that we are very, very happy," daughter Mari Carmen told reporters at the hospital on Friday. "You have to fight because you can get out of it."

Encarnacion Buisan lays in a hospital bed in Huesca, Spain, just before being released to go home following two weeks of successful treatment for COVID-19, as her daughter Mari Carmen speaks to a Reuters reporter. REUTERS

This is the only colored photo in today's digest for the hope it brings

More Countries Embracing Gender-Based Quarantine

Peru will allow men and women out on separate days as part of a gender-based quarantine measure designed to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus in the country, with immediate effect.

"Monday, Wednesday, and Friday," only men can be outside; "Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, only women are allowed to circulate,". The gender-based measure will be in effect until Sunday, April 12.

It comes two days after Panama began restricting movement by gender, arguing the measure urges people to return home since their loves ones are not allowed to be outside.

More Than a Dozen Cruise Ships Stranded in Water

Australia insisted Friday it would not let the crew of multiple virus-stricken cruise ships into the country, slapping aside suggestions it was falling short on legal and moral obligations.

More than a dozen ships are believed to be off Australia's coast, carrying around 15,000 crew and some experiencing outbreaks of COVID-19.

"If ever there was a time, I think, for ships to go back to where they're registered, it's probably during a time of a global pandemic like this."

Many vessels fly under flags of convenience - registered to countries such as Panama, the Bahamas and Liberia, which have scant capacity to screen or treat an influx of possible virus carriers. 

Australian authorities say they will not risk unleashing a wave of COVID-19-positive people into the country, burdening local health services that are already scrambling to increase capacity. 

Cruise liner Spectrum of the Seas sits in Sydney Harbour after coming in to refuel and restock on April 3, 2020.  PETER PARKS/AFP/GETTY

Prince Charles Opens New London Hospital Remotely

Britain's Prince Charles remotely opened a temporary hospital for COVID-19 patients at London's main exhibition center Friday that can accommodate up to 4,000 people as the number of coronavirus-related deaths reported in the U.K. surpassed China's official total.

Charles, who on Monday completed a week of self-isolating while recovering from COVID-19, said via video link that he was "enormously touched" to be asked to open the new Nightingale Hospital, which was built in just over a week at the vast ExCel conference center in east London. It will only care for people with COVID-19, and patients will only be assigned there after their local London hospital reaches its capacity.


Britain's Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, is seen on a monitor as he speaks during the opening of the "NHS Nightingale" field hospital in London on April 3, 2020. PHOTO BY STEFAN ROUSSEAU/POOL/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES

Indian Couple Names Newborn Twins Covid and Corona

A couple in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh have named their newborn twins Corona and Covid

The twins, a boy and a girl, were born exactly a week ago in a public hospital in the city of Raipur, two days after India's government imposed a 21-day lockdown to help slow the spread of the new coronavirus.  

The couple said they hoped the twins' names would symbolize triumph over the hardships of the global pandemic and remind them about all the difficulties of living under the lockdown, according to the PTI report. The parents did say they might rename their kids later.  

Mother Preeti Verma with her newborn twins. (Credit: EPS)


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