Asymptomatic Patients Will Be Reported Within 2 Hours, Says NHC

Chang Jile, Director of the National Health Commissions Disease Control and Prevention Bureau, shed more light on the identification of asymptomatic cases; that is, people infected by the virus but showing no evident symptoms as those common in other patients. 

In their efforts to promote more transparency and direct communication with the public, the NHC will report on any new case identified from an asymptomatic patient within 2 hours and proceed with treating them within 24 hours to ensure the safety of our communities.

These will appear in the organizations daily notifications on the report, prognosis, and management of asymptomatic patients in response to growing social concerns.

Such cases will also face 14 days of clinical isolation and receive two nucleic acid tests, 24 hours apart from one another. Patients will be released as soon as they test negative for the coronavirus. 

If clinical symptoms appear, the patient will be transferred to a designated center where other COVID-19 patients are being treated. 

Source: people's daily

Editor: Crystal H

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