Zhejiang Is Hiring Global High-Level Talent! 500,000 Jobs!

Source: HangzhouTube, Xinhua news

Good morning

Today, led by the talent Office of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Zhejiang Province, the Zhejiang Million High-Level Talent Cloud Job Fair is officially launched. The cloud job fair gathers thousands of provincial units and major talent platforms, including provincial and ministerial universities, scientific research institutes, state-owned enterprises, high-level talent industrial parks, provincial enterprise research institutes and provincial postdoctoral workstations, and more than 50,000 high-level jobs in short supply are launched for all kinds of talent around the world. 

Employers include colleges and universities such as Zhejiang University, Zhijiang laboratory, West Lake University; state-owned enterprises such as Wuchan Zhongda Group, Zhejiang transportation investment group, Zhejiang energy group; well-known private enterprises such as Alibaba, Geely Group, Wahaha Group, Hengdian group, etc., with positions covering 30 industries including IT, biomedicine, environmental protection, health, tourism, fashion, finance, equipment manufacturing, automobile Artificial intelligence, cultural creativity, education, etc.

Hold and press the QR code at the bottom right corner of the poster to access the cloud job fair!

Overseas Chinese From Italy Confirmed Infected in Lishui!


On March 1, 2020, a new case was confirmed in Lishui where the patient holds Italian nationality.


The patient is a female, 31 years old, overseas Chinese from Italy, who returned to China on February 28. Her household registration in China is Ounan street, Qingtian County. On February 16, she began to have symptoms of coughing, headache and diarrhea, and she took medicine for treatment. On the evening of the 26th, she left Milan, Italy (Flight No.SU2415H), transferred via Moscow (Flight No. SU206H), arrived at Shanghai Pudong Airport at 22PM on the 27th, then arrived at Qingtian County at 8AM on the 28th. Upon arrival, she was directly sent for medical observation. On March 1st, the rest of her new coronavirus nucleic acid tests turned positive. As of now, the patient is in Qingtian People's Hospital for treatment.

Jinhua Foreign Volunteers Team Wanted


Zhejiang Continues to Delay Reopening of Schools

On February 29, Zhejiang issued a notice saying that the schools including kindergartens would remain closed, meanwhile all schools in the province shall carry out online classes in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education. It is strictly prohibited for training institutions to carry out offline training activities before students return to school. The specific time of schools reopening will be determined after scientific assessment according to the situation of epidemic prevention and control, and announced to the public one week in advance.

China's Daily Masks Output Exceed 100m Units

On February 29th, including ordinary masks, medical masks and N95-rated medical masks, the daily production capacity and output of masks in China reached 110 million and 116 million, 5.2 times and 12 times of the quantity produced on February 1st, which has further narrowed supply deficit. As of Feb 29th, the daily output of N95-rated medical masks reached 1.66 million units to ensure medical staff at the forefront of the battle against the novel coronavirus are well-equipped.

Over 1,000 Patients Discharged from Wuhan's Largest Temporary Hospital


The temporary hospital with the most beds in Wuhan, the epicenter of the novel coronavirus outbreak in central China's Hubei Province, has discharged a total of over 1,000 people as of March 1st, according to local authorities.

The Jianghan temporary hospital, converted from Wuhan International Conference and Exhibition Center, started receiving patients from Feb. 5. It is equipped with 1,564 beds and over 1,100 staff, according to the provincial epidemic prevention and control headquarters.


The hospital has received a total of 1,830 patients, the highest amount among temporary hospitals in Wuhan, by the end of Saturday. Now, a total of 1,072 patients have been discharged from the hospital, the headquarters said.

As of February 28th, Wuhan has over 5,000 spare beds in its 16 temporary hospitals, which were converted from gyms, exhibition centers and other facilities to cope with a shortage of beds amid the coronavirus outbreak.

Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on COVID-19

For Expats in Zhejiang

