TIP | How to prove you havent been to COVID-19 hard-hit places?

As production is resuming across the country, more and more people are returning to work. Have you been asked about your whereabouts in the past 14 days? How can you prove that you have not been to any epidemic-stricken region or country?

A State Council's WeChat mini-program is your solution!


Long press on the code to access the mini-program.


Enter your phone number, verification code, and click the Agree and authorize the operator to retrieve the information about the places you have visited in the last 14 days, and then click Inquiry.


Done! You now have the card which reflects your travel status. The card will be updated in real time.

If you have been to Hubei in the past 14 days, you will get a RED card.

If you have been to any epidemic-stricken country (region) in the past 14 days, you will get a YELLOW card.

If you have not been to the above destinations, you will get a GREEN card.





Is the "itinerary card" accessible to everyone?

As long as you have a mobile phone, and you are a user of any of the three operators, China Telecom, China Unicom, or China Mobile, you can use this service. Users who just opened a new account can use the service after 14 days.


When can I use an "itinerary card"?

The "itinerary card" is used to help returnees prove the regions they have visited in the past 14 days. Employers and community management departments can use it to check the itinerary of their workers.



For questions, please call customer services. If you cannot open the webpage or receive the verification code, or encounter any other problem, please call the customer service hotline:

10000 (China Telecom)

10086 (China Mobile)

10010 (China Unicom)

*No ID card number, home address or other personal information will be collected when you use the itinerary card. It is simple and safe to use and fully protects user privacy.

Source: www.gov.cn

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