TIP | Becoming a certified TEFL teacher

Many expats come to China working as an English teacher, and you will need to stay competitive to meet the growing demand of English teachers in cities like Shanghai. One of the ways to stand out from others is to earn a TEFL in China certificate.

What is TEFL in China?

The TEFL in China training program is organized by the Information Research Center, of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA). The TEFL in China certification is authorized by the department of Cultural and Educational Experts, of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA), and is officially recognized throughout China.

Upon successful completion of this training and the examination, the TEFL in China Certificate will be awarded.

Who is eligible?

Native English speakers or foreigners who use English as their official language

Chinese who want to teach English as a career

Training process

Click to enlarge the image

1. Online registration

2. Payment

3. Participate in online classes and pass the evaluation

4. Start the training and pass the exam

5. Obtain the certificate


7-day intensive and productive training and assessment

 Internationally recognized educational qualification

Work visa holders who are TEFL-certified can be exempt from the 2-year work experience requirement.

 Professional trainers from top-notch global universities

Teaching material

Teaching English in China

(By Robert Wyss, Jr., M.A., and Emily A. Trush, Ph.D.)

Published by Tsinghua University Press, it is the main academic guidebook for foreign English teachers in China.

Course contents

Click to enlarge the image

Training fee

3000 RMB, which includes classes, evaluation, and tests.

How to apply?

Long-press on the image to sign up now!


Any questions can be directed to  specialist

Amber Lu ()




[email protected]


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