Scenic Areas Back in Business But With Added Safety Measures

With the coronavirus epidemic gradually being curbed in China, many tourist attractions have recently reopened and introduced various measures to ensure visitors remain safe amid the outbreak.

Yungang Grottoes, located near the city of Datong, Shanxi province, reopened on March 1, receiving a total of 130 tourists that day.

Tourists visiting the scenic spot can buy tickets by scanning a QR code without having to make contact with staff members, according to He Jianguo, deputy director of the managing committee of the Yungang Grottoes.

Meanwhile, tourists temperatures will be taken before they enter the scenic area, and only those with normal temperatures and medical masks will be allowed in.

As well as opening for the public, various tourist destinations have also explored online channels to raise money. Tianzhu Mountain in east Chinas Anhui province held a charity sale of tickets online in February, selling 520,000 tickets in 10 days and raising 5.3 million yuan, all of which was donated to medical workers fighting against the epidemic.

The Chinese government has also made efforts to help scenic spots offset the impact brought by the epidemic. Shanxi province has reduced fees for electricity, water and other utilities for tourist destinations, helped promote attractions, and supported them in developing health- and recreation-oriented routes for tourists.

Source: xinhua

Editor: Crystal H

