Qingming Festival & Labor Day Holiday Arrangements Announced

Tomb-sweeping Day is one of twenty-four solar terms and the most important festival for sacrifices, ancestor worshipping and graves in China.

Qingming Festival Holiday

Despite the epidemic being increasingly under control, people remain wary of getting together over this holiday, as they should. We need to continue taking very careful precautions if we want to make sure this virus no longer spreads.

Many places around the country have already suspended their Qingming festival activities, replaced with online worshipping methods and other services.

Beijing will launch a reservation system for visiting tombs around the upcoming Tomb-sweeping Day. All the funeral parlors, cinerary halls, operating cemeteries and large-scale public welfare cemeteries will adopt an appointment system for different tomb-sweeping timeslots so as to avoid the gathering of people as the epidemic has not ended yet.

And while most people would often get excited at the idea of having some time off after weeks of hard work, this years festival is quite different since weve already been on holiday for weeks while stuck at home, which sparked interesting conversations on social media.

One user commented: I still havent started school yet. This holiday doesnt mean much - Im on holiday every day of the week already!

Another one posted: Ive already had my time off for weeks after my company closed down.

Labor Day holiday

As things gradually begin to go back to normal, we need to continue paying close attention to our hygiene (as we normally should regardless of the pandemic) and continue wearing masks in public until advised otherwise.

Until then - stay safe!

Editor: Crystal H

