Free for Global Tourists! Some Can Go in Without Masks!

Source: HangzhouTube, China Daily

Good morning

With the outbreak under control, many scenic spots across China have resumed operation. On March 18, Qiandao Lake in Zhejiang Province announced that from that day to May 1, global tourists can visit scenic spots there free of charge. 

In addition, from March 18 to March 31, a number of catering businesses in Qiandao Lake launched preferential activities, where a bowl scallion oil noodles costs 0.4 yuan.

In addition, in the outdoor areas with low tourist flow, open space and good ventilation, ordinary tourists are suggested not wear masks. 

Location: Chun'an County, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. 

Qiandao Lake is 317km and 129km from Shanghai and Hangzhou respectively in the east and 149km from Huangshan in the west. 

Tel: 400-8811-988.

One new imported case of COVID-19 reported

On March 19, one new imported case of COVID-19 was reported in Wenzhou. Two more patients have been cured and discharged from hospital.


As of 12AM on March 19, a total of 1234 cases have been reported in Zhejiang, including 17 imported cases from overseas. 

As of present, one patient has died, and a total of 1219 patients have been cured and discharged from hospital.

China's aviation authority to cap inbound flights

China civil aviation authorities will cap the number of inbound flights to the country in a bid to tighten the control of imported cases of novel coronavirus.


According to a notice issued by the Civil Aviation Administration of China on Friday, all Chinese and overseas airlines will be required to maintain their current level of international flights or cut them back, based on this week's flight plans for March 16 to March 22.


It also requires airlines that have approval for flight plans, to make advance applications to the administration's operations and monitoring center.


This week's flight plan shows that 2,072 inbound round trips are expected to be made from 52 countries, with 1,165 passenger flights and 907 cargo trips.


Next week, the country's airports will handle 2,003 inbound round trips, including 1,073 passenger flights, the administration said.

Zhejiang medical workers stick to post in Wuhan


On Tuesday, medical assistance teams started leaving Hubei Province on as the epidemic outbreak in the hard-hit province has been subdued; meanwhile, the fifth group of medical workers from Zhejiang Province stick to their posts and continue to take care of patients in Wuhan.

Jack Ma and Alibaba donate medical supplies to Southeast Asian countries

The Jack Ma Foundation and Alibaba Foundation on Thursday announced that they will donate medical supplies to four Southeast Asian countries.


Anti-coronavirus supplies including 2 million face masks, 150,000 test kits, 20,000 protective suits will be donated to Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines to aid their fight against the COVID-19.


"We join hands with our Asian neighbors to fight the COVID-19," said Jack Ma Foundation on China's social media platform Weibo when announcing the donation to the four countries. "More help to other Asian nations is on the way."


The two foundations previously donated a large number of medical supplies to European, Asian, African and Middle East countries.


Donations from Yiwu to Spain shipped free

A batch of medical materials, including 100,000 medical masks, thermometers and protective suits, will be transported to Spain via the Yiwu-Xinjiang-Europe cargo line on Saturday.


The materials were donated by YXE Trading Service Group, the operator of the cargo line.


The Yiwu-Xinjiang-Europe train service, which made its maiden journey from Yiwu, Zhejiang province, to Madrid, Spain, in 2014, makes weekly runs. All donations to Spain to fight the pandemic will be transported free, the company said on Monday.


As of Friday, Spain has reported 20,410 confirmed cases of COVID-19, becoming the second-most severely hit country in Europe, after Italy.


Poetic moments in China's aid in pandemic fight

China has been offering helping hands to other countries in the global fight against the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak, sometimes in a quite poetic way.

Here are some of the touching poems sent along with Chinese donations to epidemic-hit areas.

For Expats in Zhejiang

