COVID-19: >270,000; Italy's One Day Deaths 627, BAVARIA under...

Source: People's Daily, Xinhua, CGTN, China Daily, Global Times, CBS, iFeng, Baidu, Global  News Agencies, Majdi


Italy closes all parks and public gardens

From Saturday, parks and public gardens will be shut down and people will be allowed to take exercise only around their homes, a directive seen by Reuters News Agency said.

Meanwhile; the death toll from an outbreak of coronavirus in Italy has leapt by 627 to 4,032, officials said, marking the largest daily rise since the contagion emerged a month ago.

The total number of cases in Italy rose to 47,021 from a previous 41,035, an increase of 14.6 percent, the Civil Protection Agency said.

The president of Lombardy said the government had agreed to deploy the army in his region to enforce the lockdown against the coronavirus epidemic, which is not slowing down.

This photo provided by Italian news agency Ansa on March 19, 2020 shows Italian army trucks parked outside the Monumental cemetery of Bergamo, Lombardy [AFP]

A Rush of News

No new coronavirus cases in Wuhan for third straight day. 

US President Donald Trump announced on Friday he had put the wartime Defense Production Act into action. Meanwhile, the United States said Friday it was suspending all routine visa services around the world due to the coronavirus pandemic. Emergency visas would still be considered if the relevant embassies/consulates have adequate staff.

Poland's government has declared a state of epidemic threat and will cancel school classes until Easter. 

Ukraine's government declared a state of emergency in Kiev and two more out of 25 regions due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Bulgaria's parliament has voted after a heated debate to allow the military to help curb the movement of people amid the coronavirus outbreak, with a mandate to use force if necessary.

The US and Mexico have agreed to restrict non-essential travel over their shared border, placing limitations on one of the world's busiest borders. The restrictions will be reviewed after 30 days.

Tunisian President Kais Saied ordered a general lockdown, restricting public movement to counter the spread of the coronavirus.

Brazil's Senate approved a presidential decree declaring a national emergency over the coronavirus epidemic.

Jordan will impose a curfew early on Saturday to prevent people from moving except for emergencies to combat coronavirus, the government said. 

The Olympic flame arrived in Japan from Greece on Friday in a scaled-down ceremony at an airbase in northern Japan.

Wu Lei, arguably the biggest name in Chinese football, is one of four Espanyol players who tested positive for COVID-19, according to several Spanish media outlets. 

General Motors on Friday announced it will lend its US auto factories to support Ventec Life Systems production of ventilators in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel says the country is temporarily barring tourists in order to prevent the introduction of more cases of coronavirus, the Associated Press news agency reported.

French city of Nice imposes curfew to fight coronavirus. 

Countries Confirming First Case/Death

Israel reported its first death from the coronavirus, an 88-year-old man who also suffered from previous illnesses.

Zimbabwe announces 1st coronavirus case: "The is the first case of COVID-19 in Zimbabwe. The patient is a 38-year-old Caucasian man... who had travelled to Manchester in the UK on the 7th of March and returned to his home in Victoria Falls on the 15th of March via South Africa. 

Cape Verde confirmed its first coronavirus case. The patient is a 62-year-old British citizen who entered the country on March 9 and began showing symptoms on March 16. 

UK On The Go

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson told cafes, pubs and restaurants across the country to close on Friday night and to stay shut indefinitely to help slow the spread of the coronavirus outbreak.

"We are telling cafes, bars and restaurants to close tonight as soon as they reasonably can and not to open tomorrow," Johnson told reporters in Downing Street. "Though to be clear, they can continue to provide takeout services.

"Some people may of course be tempted to go out tonight, and I say to those people, 'please don't,'" Johnson said.

"Changing of the Guard" Suspended

"In line with Government advice to avoid mass gatherings, it has been agreed that the ceremonial of the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace, St James's Palace and Windsor Castle will be postponed until further notice," Britain's royal family confirmed Friday.

Members of the Queen's Guard perform the Changing of the Guard ceremony at Buckingham Palace in a 2011 file photo., GETTY/PETER MACDIARMID

India's Tamil Nadu Shuts Borders

The Indian state of Tamil Nadu took the rare step of closing its borders with neighbouring states of Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, because of the coronavirus pandemic.

A government statement said the measure would last until at least March 31 and that only "essential goods" and government buses would be allowed across the border.

Meanwhile; all offices in Mumbai and at least three other cities in Maharashtra state have been ordered to lock down until the end of March. On Sunday, the entire country will go under a one-day lockdown, from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., in what is being seen as a trial run of the stricter national measures by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. 

1st German State Goes on Lockdown

The quiet streets of Mitterteich during the curfew. Photo: DPA

Bavaria has become the first German state to impose lockdown measures to try to limit the spread of the deadly COVID-19 disease, but more states are expected to follow suit.

Bavarian Minister Markus Sder announced Friday that his state was "shutting down public life almost completely."

Dow Jones drops below 20,000

US stock markets turned negative in afternoon trading on Wall Street, putting all three major US indexes on track for their worst week since the 2008 financial crisis.

Goldman Sachs says US economy could contract 24% between April-June, and unemployment could peak at 9% over coronavirus. 

Saudi Arabia bans prayers at holy mosques 

Saudi Arabia has suspended the holding of daily prayers and the weekly Friday prayers inside and outside the walls of the two mosques in Mecca and Medina to limit the spread of coronavirus.

Updated Immigration Policies in Shanghai 

Seriously affected countries

Australia, Malaysia, Greece, the Czech Republic, Finland, Qatar, Canada, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Italy, Iran, Japan, France, Spain, Germany, the United States, the UK, Switzerland, Sweden, Belgium, Norway, the Netherlands, Denmark and Austria 


Anyone who traveled from or within the seriously affected countries during the last 14 days need to undergo 14 days quarantine. 

Travelers need to pay their own self-quarantine costs. 

Updated Immigration Policies in Guangdong

All inbound travelers with a history of travel to or residence in the following 19 countries within 14 days prior to the arrival in Guangdong will undergo a 14 - day quarantine at home or in designated venues. 

Seriously affected countries

The Republic of Korea (ROK), Italy, Iran, Japan, Germany, France, the US, Spain, the UK, Thailand, the Philippines, Switzerland, Sweden, Belgium, Norway, the Netherlands, Denmark, Austria, Malaysia.

It's also reported that other travelers from/through other countries, not in the list of 19 affected countries, were given orange stickers upon arrival; which means they need to self-quarantine at home. 

Travelers need to pay their own self-quarantine costs. 


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