Biggest Update Ever to Alipay! What's New?

Source: OT-Team (AFJ), Alipay Official Account

On March 10, according to the Alipay Partner Conference (APC), Hu Xiaoming, the CEO of Ant Financial, announced the change of Alipay's slogan, from "Pay with Alipay" to "Live @ Alipay", which officially announces that Alipay has upgraded from a financial payment platform to an open platform for digital life.

Logo Update for More Innovative Services

Logo: Brighter and More Reliable 

According to official WeChat account of Alipay, the blue of the old Alipay looks visually stable and trustworthy. However, the positioning of Alipay has changed now, which is visually brighter, in addition to making users feel reliable, it is to provide them with a sense of a more convenient digital life, with better services to enjoy in the future.

Before and After

Build the Image of the "Life Platform"

Per the conference, Alipay is committed to building the world's largest digital life platform in the next three years, and it will help 40 million service merchants to complete the digital upgrade with 50,000 service providers. In particular, it will strengthen government services, and provide medical services and other services for basic life. In addition, the display spaces on the home page have also increased to 9 millimeters to 14 millimeters. As of now, the beta version has been released to the public.

Before and After

Why the Changes?

As per the news staff, Alipay's upgrade is mainly due to competition with WeChat Pay.

The Share of WeChat Pay has Raised

According to the analysis data, in 2015, Alipay accounted for 68.4% of the third-party payment platform in China, while WeChat pay only 20.6%. But by the second quarter of 2016, Alipay had slipped to 55.4% and WeChat Pay increased to 32.1%.

Payment Tool VS National App

Compared with WeChat Pay, many users see Alipay just as a payment tool. Due to this, the frequency of use is not high. WeChat, as a national application, is more dominant in both the number of daily users and the length of use. In many scenarios, users are more accustomed to using WeChat Pay.

Thus, Alipay has been working hard to catch up, by launching the update.

The Time Has Come

"The epidemic has accelerated the offline economy to go online, especially with location-based local life services. The growth is so fast, which lead to the early release of Alipay's newest update. It's time to promote life services to help people pull through the situation. said Hu Xiaoming.

If you are interested in the new Alipay platform, here is how you can try it!

For businesses:
For service providers:

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