20200319 China News

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March 19, 


China News

3 minutesKnow China


Shipments of 5G smartphones are set to increase in China, as the intensified push to expedite the rollout of the superfast wireless technology will help revive handset sales, analysts said on Monday.


Apple Inc said on Saturday it will close all of its stores outside of China until March 27, as the US tech giant aims to reduce the risk of infections of the novel coronavirus.


To match the rapid trend of resuming work in Shanghai, the United Office Platform of Global Chambers (GCP) issued a preferential policy to provide companies who join in the GCP before the end of March with two months of free co-working office space and amenities. Welcome to contact EAcham for more details.


Companies in China affected by the COVID-19 outbreak are resorting to legal measures and commercial negotiations supported with force majeure certificates to allow for delays or nonperformance of international contract obligations and repair credit.


3M said it will provide reasonable and stable prices for all its respirators and masks and surgical masks via its official online flagship stores during the COVID-19 outbreak in China, and the company is committed to developing more products to better meet customer demand, said its top official in China


Chinese tech companies are providing cutting-edge cloud solutions to help enterprises resume work, as part of their broader push to revive economic activities amid the novel coronavirus outbreak.


An intelligent newsbot, which can answer questions about the novel coronavirus in English, was launched recently on China Daily's App, an app which has been downloaded nearly 30 million times around the world, and leverages the global mobile platform to deepen the public's understanding about the epidemic.

SourceGlobaltimes, Xinhuanet, Chinadaily, Shine, GdtodayChina Plus News

Author: Producer Emilio Mendez

Speaker: Caroline Parraguez

Edition: EAcham

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