20200318 China News

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March 18, 


China News

3 minutesKnow China


Two designs from China WeChat and Mobike were selected for the 100 Great Designs of Modern Times this year, according to a report jointly compiled by business magazine Fortune and the IIT Institute of Design on Monday.


China's consumer prices are unlikely to rise sharply and rising prices will then see a decline for the rest of this year, the country's top economic regulator said on Tuesday.


China will beef up input in development of key works and infrastructure such as public health services and 5G networks amid efforts to mitigate the impact of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on investment progress.


To match the rapid trend of resuming work in Shanghai, the United Office Platform of Global Chambers (GCP) issued a preferential policy to provide companies who join in the GCP before the end of March with two months of free co-working office space and amenities. Welcome to contact EAcham for more details.


Foreign-invested companies in China are rapidly regaining confidence as normal production and operation resumes and order fulfillment keeps improving amid a steadily recovering supply chain, the top economic planner said Tuesday.


Chinese firms are ramping up efforts to export and donate novel coronavirus testing kits to meet increasing overseas demand, amid the surge of COVID-19 cases outside China.


Central banks keep reloading their weapons to lessen market fears caused by the global coronavirus pneumonia pandemic, while analysts call for more joint action to constrain the epidemic and prevent a severe economic downturn.

SourceGlobaltimes, Xinhuanet, Chinadaily, Shine, GdtodayChina Plus News

Author: Producer Emilio Mendez

Speaker: Caroline Parraguez

Edition: EAcham

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