UPDATE | coronavirus and some questions you may ask



School Decisons of UNNC

updated on 5th Feb 2020:

Postpone of Student Return Date 

for Spring Semester to 2nd March 2020

Students will be allowed to return to campus on or after 29th Feb. 

Every second day from 5th Feb, the school will provide updates on changes to regulations and other actions, for example, teaching &learning delivery and living environment. More details will be given on 7th Feb. Please check the University website, WeChat and emails for the above updates. If you need support for your own particular circumstance, please contact:

[email protected]

You may have some questions

Please find answers as below:


Many flight companies close directions to China including the one I ordered. If there are no flights until 2nd March, what does the school recommend for us?


The University does recognize arising issues at this concerning period including suspended flights to China. We are therefore looking into all possible plans including alternative methods of course delivery including online learning so as to diminish the impact of current situation upon teaching and learning. 

Currently, LRLR is working remotely to assist academics to prepare online modules. We are going to use Moodle as the major platform for sharing information, Echo360for Lecture capture and active learning, and Microsoft Teams for online communication. The library is also preparing e-textbooks and digital teaching materials for students to access online. 

For any updates on changes to teaching & learning delivery, we will let you know through email or Wechat. Please keep checking.


I got permission from accomodation and am living on campus, can I go outside? / can my friends enter campus to stay with me? / Where can I get food supply inside campus?


We strongly advise our students to stay on campus and no guests are allowed to enter campus. However if you need to go outside, please follow restricted access policy for this period: 

1\Students who wish to go outside campus are advised to register at Gate 4 before leaving and when returning.

2\For students who need to go outside, please return before 9pm every day. Any overnight stay off campus is not allowed.

3\Students are strongly advised not to travel during this period of time but if you do have any plan of going back home or leaving the country, you need to contact your Student Support Advisors from DCL in advance. You would need to show the consent from your SSAs when you register at Gate 4.

4\Any travelling in China will not be approved during this period.

This policy is only to those who are currently living on campus. Please note students who havent registered will not be allowed to enter the campus. 

As for food suply, regarding provision of services, the supermarket at Building 23 is available from 8am to 5pm everyday. Canteen 1 is the only available canteen now. 


I am very worried about the coronavirus as cases keep going up. Can you give me some health advice? Is UNNC safe?


The best way to stay safe is to stay at home. If you have to go outside, please do wear facemasks and surgical masks could provide enough protection for common people. Besides, it is necessary to frequently clean hands by using alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water. For more health advice, please see the previous post about WHOs standard recommendations for the general public by scannng the below QR code:

There are also 3 pieces of advice from UNNC MHA for students who are anxious and worried about the situation: Think Critically / Take Responsibility / Keep Calm. You can get access to the article by scanning the below QR code:

Since the novel coronavirus outbreak, UNNC has had a working group in place to ensure we are following all guidance from the Chinese health authorities on disease prevention, control and communication. We are taking every precautionary measure to keep the campus community safe including regular disinfecting on campus, restricting access to our campus and checking temperatures for those who enter the campus. The University is also surveying all staff and students to find out where exactly they are currently, whether they have visited or had close contact with those from highly affected areas. This data will be collected by relevant departments to assure the health and safety. (If you haven't replied the survey, please do it ASAP)

All students are expected to support the University with the data collection. Please help us if we need you.

Support Contacts

For your own particular circumstance: 

[email protected]

For coronavirus related issues:

[email protected];

For accommodation checking out:

[email protected]

Your Student Support Advisor:

For FOB students:

[email protected]

 For FHSS students:

[email protected]

 For FOSE Students:

[email protected]



International Student 

Support Team

