Man Cooks 200 Free Meals Daily for Medical Staff in Wuhan

By Barnaby Lofton

Theres arguably no group in China working harder than the medical personnel in Wuhan as they continue treating patients infected by COVID-19, working around the clock to stop the spread of the disease. Apart from the risk of getting infected with the virus, doctors and nurses have been overwhelmed by the workload.

A restaurant owner in Wuhan has stepped up to the plate to make sure staff working on the frontlines are properly fed. Liu Xiaohu, a 36-year-old who operates a Suntata Pot Rice franchise in Hubeis capital city, has been preparing 200 free takeout meals each day for medical workers combating the novel coronavirus, China Daily reports.

Image via China Daily

When I saw on the internet that doctors and nurses who were fighting the virus ate instant noodles and bread for lunch in hospital, I really wanted them to have some fresh and nutritious food, Liu said.

In late January, Liu joined a campaign started by Meituan that encourages local eateries to offer free meals for doctors and nurses as a show of support. Liu has been preparing steamed rice with cured meat and vegetables for a medical team from Shanghai who came to support Wuhan. With his employees still out of town, the Hubei native has been a one-man cooking machine, spending 15 hours working each day. His franchises headquarters, based in Changsha, provided Liu with the rice and meat for free and also offered him a salary, which he respectfully declined.

Unfortunately with the lockdown in Wuhan, Liu has been struggling to get more food delivered from headquarters due to logistical problems, but he is currently contacting other suppliers and plans to continue preparing meals until the epidemic is over.

Life is short, and I dont want to have nothing to be proud of in my entire lifetime. When I become old and think of this precious experience occasionally, it will be worth it, he said, as cited by China Daily.

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