CoViD-19:BreakingVaccine Animal Test, Started; Patients Dance!

Source: China Daily, People's Daily, CGTN, SCMP, Global Times, Xinhua, iFeng, BBC, CNN, CBSNews, BusinessInsider,CNBC, JobTube, Majdi     

Major News 

Patients Dancing

Yesterday, in Wuhan shelter hospital, patients with mild illness performed square dancing. At first, only one or two patients danced. Later, with the rhythm, more joined the dancing squad.

Well, dancing is infectious too, others went on a similar move...

Vaccine: Started Animal Testing

A group of British scientists at Imperial College London have started testing a vaccine on mice for COVID-19. 

"At the moment we have just put the vaccine that we've generated from these bacteria into mice," Imperial College London researcher Paul McKay told AFP during a Monday interview.

"Once the phase one trial is complete - which can take a few months to complete - it can be immediately started into an efficacy trial in people, which will also take a few months to complete. So, perhaps by the end of this year there will be a viable, tested vaccine that would be suitable for use in people, McKay added.

Hubei To Lock Down Communities

Hubei housing authority announced that all the residential areas in the province would restrict people from going in and out amid coronavirus outbreak, all people would have body temperature checked before entry

Officially Named: CoViD-19

2019nCoV is renamed as COVID-19 by WHO. "We now have a name for the disease and it's Covid-19," WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters in Geneva.

More 13,000 People With Fever 

A thorough check found 13,000 patients with fever in Huanggang, a city neighbouring #Wuhan, epicenter of the novel coronavirus outbreak.

Woman Hiding in Car's Trunk

Police found a woman on Tuesday who hid in the trunk of a car on the expressway to Shanghai to escape the compulsory 14-day quarantine after traveling to a key coronavirus NCP affected area. Both the woman and the car owner have been quarantined: media.

Singapore Face Travel Restrictions

South Korea, Israel advised citizens to defer travel plans to #Singapore due to the novel coronavirus epidemic, while Indonesia and (China) Taiwan have recommended that precautions be taken when visiting the island.

Travel advisories have also been issued by Kuwait and Qatar for Singapore, following the raising of Singapore's DORSCON level to Orange on Friday.

16 Infected After Int'l Conference in Singapore

An international business meeting held at the Grand Hyatt Singapore is now believed to have spread the virus among 16 cases. The meeting was attended by 109 participants, from Jan 20 to Jan 22.

Beijing Closes Public Places

Beijing orders to close entertainment venue and other public places of non-daily necessities, when the city is facing mounting pressuring to contain coronavirus after people from nationwide went back to work.

Evacuees Celebrate End of Quarantine 

People evacuated from the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in China celebrate the end of their quarantine at March Air Reserve Base in Moreno Valley, California, on February 11, 2020.

Some of the US 195 evacuees who completed their 14-day quarantine east of Los Angeles on Tuesday threw their masks in the air like graduation caps before leaving March Air Reserve Base. Officials gave each a final health screening and deemed them coronavirus-free.

"The 13 individuals in the United States have not yet had very severe illness," the agency's Dr. Anne Schuchat told reporters in Washington. "In fact, most have had very mild courses."

Vietnam: 3-month-old infected

Three-month-old baby diagnosed with coronavirus in Vietnam

A three-month-old baby in Vietnam has been diagnosed with the novel coronavirus, the country's 15th confirmed case, according to Reuters. The baby, who tested positive for the virus on February 9, was infected by her grandmother.   

Decline of Confirmed Cases Outside Hubei

Data shows a significant decline in the number of confirmed cases outside Hubei, however, the real test for controlling the spread of the virus would be during the travel peak period with millions moving, after the holiday, back to their cities and work regions. 

For Expats in Zhejiang

For more CoronaVirus News:

  • 9 Trending Q&A During The Outbreak

  • Latest Preventive & Control Measures

  • App To Assist Avoiding Wuhan Virus & Finding Clinics

  • Wuhan Virus Live Data, now available in English

  • I survived Wuhan Virus, This is my Story - Interview!

  • 8 Key Questions About New Coronavirus

