CoViD-19: Infected Top 71,331; 1st Death in Taiwan; National...

Source: China Daily, People's Daily, CGTN, SCMP, Global Times, Xinhua, iFeng, BBC, CNN, CBSNews, BusinessInsider,CNBC, JobTube, Majdi      

First Death in (China) Taiwan

The island of (China) Taiwan reported its first death from COVID-19 infection on Sunday: a 61-year-old manwith no recent travel history, who also suffered from diabetes and hepatitis B died from the coronavirus: 

Plasma Treatment Progressing

32 recovered #COVID19 patients have donated 10,650 ml of plasma by Sat, said China National Biotec Group, a state-owned biological products maker. The company announced on Fri that it has developed convalescent plasma to treat patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia.

National Health Code System On The Way

State Council mulls to roll off a national health code system modeled on that of Hangzhou next week to better regulate crowds returning to work amid #COVID19. Under Hangzhou system, holders of red/yellow codes - usually those from heavily-hit regions - must quarantine themselves.

6 New Infected in Japan

6 new infected cases with COVID2019 were confirmed Sunday in Japan, including 5 men in their 30s-60s in Tokyo and 1 man in his 60s in Aichi Prefecture: Yomiuri Shimbun

Drug Approved for Sale

Zhejiang Hisun Pharmaceutical, one of the largest pharmaceutical manufacturers in China, has received approval to start selling Favipiravir as a potential treatment for the virus, according to a company filing. The company must still continue clinical trials of the antiviral drug, which is being developed by Toyama Chemical of Japan, after it hits the market.

Shanxi Delays Schools Until March 1

Shanxi () Authorities issued a notice that the opening time of province's primary and secondary schools and kindergartens should not be earlier than March 1.

Hangzhou Resumes Urban Public Transport

Hangzhou issued a circular to resume the normal operation of urban public transport and urban road passenger transport from with immediate effect.

Harbin Returnees Must Self-Quarantine for 14 Days

Harbin issued a notice that all personnel returning to Harbin should stay at home or observe in isolation for 14 days. Those who refuse to accept the prevention and control measures will be prosecuted according to law.

Man Arrested For Poaching Wild Animals

A Man from Bijie City, Guizhou Province, was arrested by police for poaching and eating wild animal civet cats.

Xiaogan Bans Going Out

Xiaogan, a city in Central China's Hubei, is to ban all residents from going out except in case of necessity starting from Monday, and those who violate the regulation will be placed in detention for 10 days for violating public security rules.

Tianjin Postpones Pre-Gaokao's English Exam

Tianjin postponed the first English examination and the oral English test for the 2020 college entrance examination gaokao, which were scheduled to be held in late March. The new date for the tests hasn't been announced.

TV Watching Increased 41.7%

An average of 7 hours has been spent in watching TV per day for each household between Jan 25 and Feb 9 amid COVID19 outbreak, up 41.7% month-on-month: statistics from China's National Radio and Television Administration

Hubei Announces New Restrictions

A restriction will be imposed on vehicle traffic across the province to curb the spread of the virus. Only police cars, ambulances, vehicles carrying essential goods, or other vehicles related to public service are allowed on roads.

Regular health checks on all residents will be carried out in the province. Companies cannot resume work without first receiving permission from the government.

All non-essential public places will be closed and no mass gathering activities allowed, according to the announcement. Essential places including supermarkets and pharmacies must control the flow of customers. 

Pharmacies are urged to carry out real-name registration for those who buy fever and cough medicine. They are required to register their names, addresses, ID card numbers and contact information, as well as their body temperatures.

Critical Conditions Proportion

The proportion of critical #COVID19 patients to all confirmed cases in Wuhan, Hubei Province and the rest of China have all dropped

-The ratio peaked at 32.4% on Jan 28 and fell to 21.6% in Wuhan on Sat 

-It dropped from 15.9% on Jan 27 to 7.2% in other places outside Hubei on Sat

Autopsies Started On Victims

Pathologists at Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital have concluded autopsies on the first and second COVID19 victims, with the consent of the relatives of the dead. Their findings and results have been submitted for examination by the relevant authorities

Non-Hubei Cases Decline for 12 Consecutive Days

The number of new coronavirus cases confirmed in China outside of Hubei Province has declined for 12 consecutive days since February 3, according to data released by the National Health Commission.

70 More Infected on Cruise Ship

Another 70 people on the Diamond Princess cruise ship were infected with the novel coronavirus, Japan's health minister, Katsunobu Kato, said Saturday, according to The Associated Press. A total of 355 confirmed cases have been reported from the quarantined ship.

The United States, Canada and (China) Hong Kong are all arranging chartered flights to bring citizens trapped on the ship or receiving treatment in Japanese hospitals home.

More than 100 Germans released from quarantine

More than 100 German nationals have been released from quarantine at a military base near Frankfurt airport, two weeks after flying in from Wuhan.

"All the people concerned have been allowed to leave the quarantine zone and rejoin their families," Thomas Gebhart, secretary of state for health told a press briefing.

None of the individuals in quarantine was infected with the virus.

175 Nepalese Evacuated from Wuhan

Nepal has evacuated 175 of its nationals from the Chinese city of Wuhan, an official said, after protests by parents of students studying in the city.

A plane operated by state-owned Nepal Airlines carrying 134 men and 41 women, mostly students, landed at Kathmandu's Tribhuvan International Airport before dawn, Health Ministry spokesman Mahendra Shrestha said. All evacuees will be held in quarantine for two weeks in the nearby town of Bhaktapur.

24,000+ Expats Using Community Groups To Fight the CoViD-19

A group of expats with the support of OneTube Technology (AKA: JobTube) have started an online initiative; utilizing the power of knowledge sharing. The community groups help in validating news and announcements about the outbreak; provide recent news, information and transport status; offer tips about buying shortage goods. 

To join the communities or volunteer as a community leader; scan the QR code. 

