Wuhan Under Quarantine, Virus Now in 27 Provinces, and more...

Source: People's Daily, BBC, CNN, JobTube, Majdi     

Key events

Wuhan will temporary shut all public transport

Wuhan is to temporarily shut public transport as it tries to halt the outbreak of a new virus. The airport and train stations will be closed to outgoing passengers. Bus, subway, ferry, and long-distance transport networks will shut down from 10:00 local time on 23 January. 

Residents in Wuhan were suggested not to leave the city if there is no particular reason, according to the announcement.


  • The first case of virus infection in Jiangsu and Hubei have been confirmed in the early morning of Jan 23. 

  • Australia and Mexico reported one suspected case in each country. 

  • The virus, known also as 2019-nCoV, is understood to be a new strain of coronavirus that has not previously been identified in humans.

  • Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization, about shutting down Wuhan public transport, said it was a "very strong measure" that would "not only control the outbreak, they will minimise spread internationally".

  • Meanwhile, after a day of discussion the WHO's emergency committee has not yet decided whether to declare a "global emergency" over the virus. Talks will continue on Thursday. 

  • Chinese health officials confirmed that the pneumonialike virus came from wild animals sold at a market in Wuhan

  • A group of experts from the Geneva-based WHO visited Wuhan on Monday and Tuesday, visiting hospitals, the airport and laboratories.

  • President Trump said that Americans have nothing to worry about because there was only a single case in the United States so far. 

  • As of 8pm on Wednesday, local government data in Hubei reported a total of 444 confirmed cases of infection with the new coronavirus, including 17 deaths.

  • The Wuhan government has required all people in public places such as hotels, restaurants, cinemas, parks, shopping centers and on public tranportation to wear masks to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, according to an announcement made on Wednesday night. Clear signs should be set up at entrances of public places to remind people to wear masks. People who do not follow the instructions, which come into force immediately, will be punished, the announcement said.

  • No "super spreader" - a patient who has transmitted the virus to more than 10 people - has been discovered so far.

  • At least 15 medical workers in Wuhan, who presumably came into contact with patients, are known to be infected.

  • A ban on the trade of live poultry and wild animals has also been implemented in Wuhan. 

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