I survived Wuhan Virus, This is my Story - Interview!

Source: JobTube, Arianna J., Josh B., Beijing Youth Daily

On January 15, Wang Kang (alias) who was diagnosed with pneumonia in Wuhan was been discharged from the hospital. From the onset of the disease on December 24, 2019 to the cure on January 15, he was transferred to different hospitals. Once in a dangerous condition, but now finally treated in Wuhan Jinyintan hospital. On January 21, a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily interviewed Wang Kang and unveiled what he had been through.

Situation After Discharge: Getting better, Still weak in Digestion

Reporter: How is your health now?
Wang Kang: Today is the sixth day of my discharge. I can't do heavy work or exercise too much, but my body is getting better day by day. It's just that I'm a little breathless when I speak. Also, it's a little difficult to breathe deeply. My family is in Wuhan. In fact, I can take care of myself now, but my parents are here for me. I seldom go out.

Reporter: Did the doctor prescribe follow-up medication?
Wang Kang: There are two kinds of drugs, which are helpful to the chest activity and help fight infections from influenza, which were prescribed for 4 months and 5 days respectively. I've had some tablets to treat indigestion this morning.

Reporter: Still feeling uncomfortable in your stomach?
Wang Kang: My digestion is still rather weak. Yesterday, after eating some dumplings, I began to have acid reflux and flatulence, even till now.

Reporter: What is the follow-up treatment or examination?
Wang Kang: I'm going to have an examination in a month. The medical staff are very responsible. Many of them are transferred from other hospitals in Wuhan and experts from Beijing. They work 16 hours a day.

Diagnosis from Wuhan Union Hospital

Diagnosed After Hospital Transfer

Reporter: When did you feel that something was wrong with you?
Wang Kang: I felt sick on December 24, 2019. At that time, the symptoms were dizziness, headache, weakness of limbs and aching of limbs. I thought I caught a cold. When I went to work the next day, I felt weak all over. I asked for leave to go to a nearby hospital for treatment. On December 25, 2019, I had an IV drip in the hospital. I didn't have a fever at that time. About December 27, I started to have a high fever.

Reporter: You stayed in the hospital at the time?
Wang Kang: No, I went to the hospital to take drips every day and then I went back home. On December 27, 2019, I could hardly move and I had difficulty breathing. I had a routine blood test, no problem, all normal. The next day, I had more tests including liver functions. It was a weekend, and the doctor said results wouldnt be ready until the next Monday.

Reporter: How was your physical condition in those two days?
Wang Kang: I didnt have an appetite. I couldnt eat anything. I felt like vomiting after eating. I merely had some porridge and water.

Reporter: What was the result that Monday?
Wang Kang: The result showed that my liver was a little abnormal. Then I took a few days off at home and went to Wuhan Union Hospital on the morning of January 1, 2020. I had a constant fever. Generally, I had a fever of 39 and sometimes of 41 . My temperature would drop a little after I took some antipyretic medicine, but later it would attack me all over again.

Reporter: What happened in Wuhan Union Hospital?
Wang Kang: After I was admitted to the hospital, I had a general examination in the endocrinology department. On January 2, my blood oxygen concentration dropped to 60%, which is almost life-threatening. I took a chest X-Ray. After that, a special person asked me where I lived and worked, where I had been to, things like that.

Picture released by Wuhan Central Hospital

Reporter: How did you reply?
Wang Kang: I told him that I worked near the Hankou railway station doing sales and went there by bike every day. I hadnt been to the seafood market. I went to the Huanan fruit market once, probably on December 22, 2019. It drizzled that day and I thought I had a cold from the rain as the symptoms of pneumonia were basically the same as those of a cold.

Reporter: What is the test result in Wuhan Union Hospital?
Wang Kang: On January 2, 2020, at 11:00 a.m. the doctor informed me that I might need to transfer to another hospital, and one hour later said that I might not need to. Later, they seemed to have a video conference, which lasted about two hours.

Reporter: How did you go to Wuhan Jinyintan hospital later?
Wang Kang: That afternoon they confirmed that I had to transfer. Wuhan Union Hospital issued a certificate saying that I was highly suspected to have pneumonia. About 7:00 p.m., an ambulance came to pick me up. About 8:40 p.m., I was sent to the ICU. My sister was about to rush in, but was stopped by two doctors and two security guards. The ICU was completely isolated. Then I was transferred to my first special care unit and my sister was allowed to follow in.

Jinyintan Hospital, taken by Wang Kang

Reporter: What did your sister do?
Wang Kang: There were a lot of isolated patients, and the nurses were short-handed. Patients like me all had high fever, no appetite, and low blood oxygen. My sister had to feed me food and water and took care of my defecation. They gave her a mask. She set up seven stools next to my bed. That was her bed. In this way, she stayed with me for more than ten days.

From January 1 to 3, 2020, my sister kept feeding me water, and I was taking medicine. During this period, I had a fever and was sweating repeatedly. I couldn't lift the cup.

About January 10, I was transferred to another ward. At that time, I restored some strength, so I let my sister go home. Before she left, the medical staff disinfected her, checked her, and then let her out. We totally cooperated with the doctors.

Reporter: What did the doctor ask you to do?
Wang Kang: The doctor asked us to buy some human albumin, because I had barely eaten those days. My father went to Wuchang and bought five bottles of that and sent one bottle to me every day as they had to be kept in a fridge. Each bottle cost 500 yuan, the volume was about 50 ml or 75 ml. Five days later, I didnt need it anymore as I could eat again.

ICU, Jinyintan Hospital, taken by Wang Kang

Getting Better: From Daily Taking a Dozen IV Drips, Then to Walking

Reporter: How did doctors treat it?
Wang Kang: There is no specific medicine, no quick solution, it depends on activating the immune function to fight against the virus. The virus can cause damage to other organs. I also had anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs, and drugs that could activate my lungs. Doctors said I also needed to take drugs to protect the stomach, liver and other organs. I dont really know what they are.

Reporter: So, you basically took infusion treatment in hospital?
Wang Kang: Yes, drips. A lot. At first over ten bottles a day. On January 8 and 9, it was reduced to eight a day. I took medicines too, as told. They changed the medicines regularly. I don't know what they were exactly. They told me those could activate my lungs.

Reporter: Why did they reduce the doses later?
Wang Kang: Because slowly my blood oxygen recovered. Later, my heart rate and blood pressure became normal. I think it's mainly because I'm young, I'm only 23 years old, and all my organs are helping me.

Reporter: Did this illness badly harm your digestion system?
Wang Kang: What to say, I was not afraid of spicy food at all. It's nothing to eat hot pot. But now just a little bit pepper gets my whole esophagus and stomach in trouble, and it has been like this the entire morning.

Reporter: Why you were transferred to another ward?
Wang Kang: Before January 10, all patients showed up there was hospitalized. It seemed that there were only two kinds of wards: ICU and special wards. The ICU is completely isolated and the people living in it are in danger of their lives. Later, there were not enough rooms. On 10th, I was transferred as I was already able to walk.

Reporter: Who you shared the new ward with?
Wang Kang: There were three of them, a 62-year-old man, a 68-year-old woman and a 42-year-old man. I stayed there for five days and left the hospital. They didn't eat in those days, even the nurses tried to feed them, they couldn't.

Picture released by Wuhan Central Hospital


Reporter: Since when you started to feel better?
Wang Kang: I felt getting better when I was able to move my body, gradually. Later, I didn't cough much even in the hospital.

Reporter: So, the doctor released you how?
Wang Kang: On the 13th, I had an examination and chest CT, and blood test. The doctor told me that my chest was in excellent condition and I could leave the hospital on the 15th, however, I should not to go to crowded places and I should continue to take medicines.

Reporter: How do you feel after being discharged?
Wang Kang: I came out of the hospital at noon and I wanted to eat noodles. Then I had half a bowl of that. At that time, I could walk by myself, but not fast. And I suffered cramps on my legs, I believe it was because I had spent over 20 days in bed.

On the next day, I forced myself to go out for a walk. I felt much better after that. I could walk faster feeling less tired.

Reporter: How are you feeling now?
Wang Kang: I'm getting more and more strong, but I can't digest food well. I can't run. And I often feel sad, and want to cry.

Reporter: How is your sister?
Wang Kang: She had a cold. She went to the hospital for examination. It was confirmed to be just a cold.

Reporter: Did it freak you out when being told you had pneumonia?
Wang Kang: Previously a friend said that I might be suffering from the pneumonia. I didnt believe it. I didnt think I would be so unlucky. To be honest, it was after I recovered and watched the news at home that I realized the seriousness of the disease and felt like Im a survivor.

Reporter: How much did the treatment cost?
Wang Kang: I spent more than 20,000 yuan in total. Over 10,000 yuan in the Wuhan Union Hospital. It almost cost noting in the Jinyintan hospital. They collected 3000 yuan as deposit and 300 yuan for meal. Nothing else.

