Southerners Losing It over First-Time Snow Is Amazing!

This is the season to be jolly!

Christmas time is around the corner, and parts of China have already been blessed with snow (or cursed, depending on how you look at it).

Southerners venturing up north are often met with a mix of confusion and pure happiness upon seeing white-covered land, just like this cute panda.

In celebration of this cold weather, heres a collection of snow moments from around the web.

Im so happy!!!!!

Ive always wanted to do this

Southerners arent used to seeing snow ever. So when they visit Northern China in this season for the first time, a whole new world of possibilities and perspectives opens up.

Oh yeah~ oh yeah~ oh la la la la

Feeling very, very, very happy about the snow...

Snow also offers great opportunities for our fellow artists to showcase their creative talents.

A handsome hairstyle:

Like this fox-looking snowman enjoying a drink.

A weird sense of humor

Strong man

Now thats a well-defined butt.

Neat and well rounded!

Meet the modern Michelangelo?


A creepy pig is watching you.

The details are impeccable!

An angel with broken wings

The facial expression is... sad

Oh fancy~


An astronaut has fallen from the sky!


Bringing Sponge Bob characters to life.

Spotted: panda attempting to escape on a rooftop.

A majestic deer.

But be mindful of slippery sidewalks!

Source: Weibo

Editor: Crystal H


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