He Became a Social Media Sensation with Ancient Chinese Skills!

Competing with funny cat memes and make-me-famous Douyin videos, a 62-year-old Chinese farmer has recently attracted the attention of millions of viewers on social media with his traditional carpentry skills.

With careful and detailed handcraft, Wang Dewen creates toys for his young grandson using no tools other than his own hands and a single piece of wood or object that he wishes to transform into an entertaining item. 

No glue, no screws, no nails.

This talented man is widely known as Grandpa Amu , named a modern-day Lu Ban after the legendary structural engineer, inventor, and carpenter who died in 444 BC and is revered as the Chinese god of builders and contractors.

Lets take a look at some of Grandpa Amus work.

A foldable stool:

An apple-shaped interlocking puzzle:

A walking Peppa Pig - a favorite of his grandsons:

A bubble blowing machine:

Wang recalls that when he was young, one day the sweet potatoes his mother had been steaming would not cook all the way through because of the crack on the pots lid. This was a problem the young boy was interested in solving.

We lived a hard life and we didnt have money to buy a new one, so I asked a relative who was a carpenter and he taught me. With the new lid I made, we had fully cooked sweet potatoes. I was so happy.

That was Wangs first piece.

From that point forward, Wang started learning everything about carpentry from his relative and undertook peculiar tasks for him.

Two years ago, Wang went to live with his children in a county in the autonomous region of Guangxi Zhuang. 

There, he decided to use his unique crafting skills for his one and only client - perhaps the best hes ever had: his grandson.

His son and daughter-in-law decided to record Wangs efforts and share them online for the world to see. We came up with the idea of making and sharing videos because we wanted to bring our rural culture to others while at the same time create opportunities for them to learn more about the ancient Chinese techniques Grandpa Amu uses, his daughter-in-law shared with a reporter.

The videos were shared on social media with the name Gong Shi Dao , which has now attracted many followers. On YouTube, the master carpenter has so far attracted more than 10 million views.

Given todays fast-evolving modern era, such handicraft skills are slowly eroding, many of which are not passed down from one generation to the next. 

These videos are one of the most useful and effective ways to keep them alive and share with them the masses.

People have come to admire how much passion, patience and creativity Wang puts into his work.

As he has once said eloquently: Your undivided and fully devoted attention to your craft, whatever it may be, will help you move on from the early pain and struggles you will encounter towards a life filled with happiness and satisfaction, for yourself and those around you.

Would you like to learn such traditional handicraft skills? 

Source: youtube channel:

Editor: Crystal Huang


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