Foreign Employee Suspended After Posting Comments Online!

Source: JobTube, Arianna J., Josh B.

According to, on November 5th, per a Weibo user, MK (alias), a foreigner who was suspected of working for a national institute, made inappropriate comments about Chinese on a overseas social media platform...

Around 3PM on that day, a netizen posted a screenshot of the man's inappropriate comments on Weibo.

The man claimed to work at a national institute in China and made a number of comments that were criticized as "racial discrimination" by netizens, including "Europe as bench mark China will never reach, not smart enough. Inbreeding for too long, Not racism, just don't like dirty yellow guys, They can improve by diversifying their existing gene pool by blending with other races and naturally enhancing their offsprings, Chinese man talks a lot but in general only strong in mop formation, alone shit his pants, etc.

At 3:26PM, the mans Chinese employer replied on Weibo, "thanks for your attention. It's already under investigation."

At 5:30PM, the employer released a statement on their Weibo account claiming that, upon investigation, MK was a project employee of the Institute's science and art team, who had been immediately suspended pending inspection.

The following is the full content of the statement:

Statement on the improper remarks made by foreign employee MK

Recently, there was information on the Internet about "foreign employee MK making inappropriate comments on social platforms". After learning about this on November 5, leaders of the Institute attached great importance to it and immediately set up an investigation team for it.

Through investigation, MK is currently employed by the science and art team of our institute, and is mainly engaged in the design of visual effects.

After knowing the relevant information, the Institute expressed extreme shock and indignation at the wrong attitude of the foreign employee, and  strongly condemned it.

According to the Institute, abiding by the laws and regulations of China and respecting Chinese culture are the first conditions for our employees. As of now, the Institute has immediately suspended the employee, and is working on the opinions of the further handling, which will be released in time.

We sincerely thank the public for their concern!

