TONIGHT! Epic Thats Shanghai Halloween Party at Cages

Spooky music. Spine-chilling shows. Creepy drinks. Prizes for the best dressed. And even a haunted house. Its that time of year for ghoulish get-ups and we couldnt be more excited.

Once again, Thats Shanghai is hosting a hell of a Halloween bash as we join forces with Cages and Budweiser TONIGHT (October 26). Pre-order tickets are just RMB100, which includes entry to all of the above freaky fun, and three drinks tickets good for Budweiser or spooky punch.

Plus, there are fabulous prizes in store for the best dressed partygoers, including a keg party from Cages and pairs of tickets to see Canadian indie pop star Allie X live in Shanghai this December.

(Need a costume? Click here for some inspiration).

Budweiser will be decking the place out, including a full-on haunted house, while prizes to be awarded for the best dressed. Last year over 1,000 people rocked up in full costume, people were dancing on tables well into the small hours.

To book your tickets, scan the QR code below:

Saturday October 26, 8pm until hell freezes over at Cages. Pre-order tickets are RMB100, which includes three drink tickets. Tickets will be RMB200 at the door, so buy now to avoid disappointment! Cages, 3/F, Jingan Sports Center, 428 Jiangning Lu, by Wuding Lu 4283, .

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[All images via Thats Shanghai]

