How to use these Chinese apps in English?

Some apps are essential to living in China, but sometimes it can be difficult for foreigners to use if not familiar with the Chinese interfaces. Fortunately, many of the apps are available in English! Below are steps to change the language setting.



1. Click on "" (Settings)

2. Then click on "" (General)

3. Click on "" (Language)

4. You can also choose other languages

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1. Click on "" (Settings)

2. Then click on "" (General)

3. Click on "" (Language)

4. Only simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese and English are available

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1. Click on the top left

2. Click on "" (Settings)

3. Click on "" (Language)

4. Select English

<<  Swipe left to see more steps   >>

Some other apps are not available in English at present. But if you encounter any problems using other apps, feel free to contact AnyHelper.

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