This Is How Much You'll Be Fined If You Ride Your E-Bike Here

Shenzhen has announced a new rule to restrict the use of e-bikes in the city! 

Shenzhen has announced a new rule to restrict the use of e-bikes in the city! 

Earlier this week, on July 30, the Shenzhen traffic police department issues a notice to further pursue restriction protocols against e-bikes in several districts around the city. 

Between August 1, 2019 and July 31, 2020, e-bikes will no longer be allowed on select streets and roads across Shenzhen at any given time of the day and night.

Do note that electric bicycles used specifically in the context of professional occupations, including repairmen, postal workers (including newspaper and express delivery), as well as food, drinking water, and bottled gas delivery are exempt from such regulations.

Consequences for those illegally riding their e-bikes on the above-listed roads:

Consequences for those illegally riding their e-bikes on the above-listed roads:

According to traffic safety regulations, motorcycles, storage batteries, electric bicycles, and any other non-motor vehicle driving within a prohibited area will see their vehicle seized and fined RMB 2,000.

 Editor: Crystal Huang

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