Many of us daily commuters have run into this problem at least once in our life - that moment you miss your bus or subway stop because you fell asleep, looked at your phone too long, or simply didnt realize it was time for you to get off.
Then you have to get back on the right track and rush to wherever your final destination is, potentially losing a few extra RMB in the process.
But what if that were to happen on a high-speed train? The repercussions are quite different Those trains are much faster; the distance between two stations is much further apart, and the time it takes to get from one place to another is longer. And when you finally wake up, you find yourself in the wrong destination.
What do you do then? Buy another ticket?
Luckily, you wont have to Because your return trip is free of charge!
According to Article 37 on transport regulations: If a passenger needs to return to a specific destination due to the sale or purchase of the wrong ticket or missing their intended stop, the conductor of the train shall mark mistake on the back of the ticket and record it to pass it over to the following train station. The passenger will then be redirected to the right train headed back towards where she or he needs to go, free of charge.
Just remember to alert the conductor right away!
They will help you put this wrong destination on record to get you back on the right path, and will help sort your situation out at the next train station.
So the good news is that you dont have to pay for another train ticket to go back to the train station you initially missed. Youll be able to get a new ticket at the next station for free.
Have you ever encountered this problem on a high-speed train, perhaps on your way to work? How did you handle it?
Let us know about your experience, and dont forget to let your other frequent travel and business friends know about it!
Source: Xinhua
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