100 Years Ago : What Did Foreigners Buy in 1920s Shanghai?

Source: OT-Team(G),China Press

  The China Press, a newspaper jointly founded by China and the United States, was officially launched in 1911. Nearly a century ago, on March 1, 1925, it published an article detailing the purchasing habits of foreigners in Shanghai at that time.

In Grandmother's Day
  They wore taffetas that lasted life time and the only reason we grandchildren haven't been doing the same thing, is because up to the time we came to China, we couldn't buy silk that would last more than a brief season of general wear. It's different out here. You'll find that the taffetas, brocades, crepe de chines which you buy from Laou Kai Fook, 23 Kiukiang Road, will keep their lustre as long as a bit is left.
  Qualịty is the foundation on which this silk shop has builded its reputation, which is known around the world.
  And we have an advantage that Grandmother didn't——we can make our selections from colors that were never dreamed of in those days. Soft, delicate tints and splashing vivid shades. The new printed silks have arrived, by the way, and if you are in search of something different, you will find it at Laou Kai Fook's.
   The Savory Smell of roasting beef has tickled many appetites since the days when our forefathers substituted cooked meat for raw. If you want your dinner to be a success, call West 800, 150 Bubbling Well Road, Dombey & Son, and their butchery department will send you specially selected cuts of meats.
  A grouch has tried to tell me that men didn't read my department. Just to prove he is wrong, I want the first good-souled fellow who reads this today to tell Mг. Alexander at Alexander's Shoe Shop, 39 C Kiangse Road, that the Grouch is all wrong. And by the way, if you have a wife you can send her around there for a pair of the smart spring slippers that have just arrived and if you haven't you can go there yourself and buy the smartest and most comfortable shoes in Shanghai.
  Behind the guarantee which the Chung Hwa Shoe Company.46 Nanking give you is the assurance that all the leather used in the manufacture of their shoes is imported from America. Any style or shape will be copied and all small repairs on Chung Hwa Shoes will be repaired free of charge.
  When the dentist receives your visit and listens to your recital of aches and pains, you have made a confession of neglect-neglect of your own happiness and health. Clean teeth do not decay. Visit your dentist periodically. As your ally, interested with you in preventive hygiene, and for the rest of the time form the Colgate habit, brushing your teeth regularly after each meal.
  Taffeta is the most popular material for curtains, cushion and bed spreads and you can find seductive shades of rose, blue, green and yellow from $2.30 to $28.0 a yard at Laou Kiu Chwang's, P 128 Nanking Road. Some of the patterns are shot with gold and have Chinese medallions in the same color. This gilk makes a room look rich and is less expensive than imported prints.
  What is a Home without all the indispensable accessories which go with it and which reflect your taste and personality? Silver is one of the keynote's to the hostess's real character and in Shanghai where it is possible to have every thing needed made up after your own designs and in sterling, too, for the price of plated at home, there isn't any excuse for not possessing a well-filled chest. Tuck Chang, Broadway and Minghong Roads, is famous for his table services and individual tea and coffee sets.
