Up to two-year visas & permanent residency to be applied for 。。。

Source: OT-Team(G), åŒ—京市商务局
On June 6, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce released a draft for the "Implementation Plan for Deepening the Expansion and Opening-up of the Service Industry and Promoting Foreign Investment in Beijing"for comments.
The plan states that qualified foreign doctors, as well as those from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, are supported in setting up clinics in Beijing.
The plan proposes that Beijing will also release the version 4.0 of the catalog for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications and explore the promotion of mutual recognition and sharing within the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. 
Additionally, Beijing will optimize residence and stay policies for foreign employees. For senior management personnel of foreign enterprises planning to establish branches or subsidiaries in Beijing, visas or residence permits valid for up to two years will be issued, and accompanying spouses and family members will be allowed the same length of stay. In pilot areas, the spouses and family members of experts internally transferred by foreign-invested enterprises will also be granted the same stay period as the expert. The city will facilitate applications for permanent residence for senior management and technical personnel employed and recommended by qualified foreign-invested enterprises. Furthermore, Beijing will actively promote the convenient use of foreign permanent residence ID cards in areas such as public transportation, financial services, medical insurance, and internet payments.
