Important Management Rules on Electric Bicycles to Know About

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Electric bicycles are a convenient mode of transportation, yet they also pose potential safety hazards. Although there isn't a nationwide management regulation, local regulations generally share similar core requirements. Below is a summary of these common provisions for your reference. For more detailed local rules, please refer to the official websites of local traffic management departments:"交通管理局"

1. Prohibition on Modification

It is prohibited for any entity or individual to assemble electric bicycles or engage in modifications that affect traffic safety.

2. Registration and License Plate Management

* Electric bicycles must be registered with the traffic management department of the public security organ and obtain a registration certificate and license plate before being driven on the road.

* Owners of electric bicycles should complete registration within thirty days from the date of purchase. Before registration, they can temporarily drive on the road with a valid proof of purchase such as an invoice.

* Registered electric bicycles must display the license plate as prescribed. Drivers shall maintain the clarity and integrity of the license plate and shall not hang it upside down or intentionally soil, cover, or obstruct it.

3. Traffic Rules

When driving an electric bicycle on the road, drivers must adhere to the following rules:

(a) Drivers must be at least sixteen years old;

(b) Obey traffic signals;

(c) Drive on the right side of the lane where there is no designated non-motorized vehicle lane;    

(d) If the non-motorized vehicle lane is occupied and cannot be used, borrow the adjacent motor vehicle lane and return to the non-motorized vehicle lane after passing the occupied section;

(e) Slow down when turning, changing lanes, or parking at the roadside. Before turning, look around and signal with a hand gesture or turn signal; give priority to straight-moving vehicles and pedestrians when turning; do not hinder the vehicle being overtaken when passing another vehicle;

(f) In low visibility conditions due to night, rain, fog, haze, sandstorms, etc., turn on the lights and drive slowly;

(g) Do not use mobile phones or browse electronic devices while driving, which may hinder safe driving;

(h) Do not overtake on busy roads, intersections, pedestrian crossings, sharp bends, or other sections prone to danger;

(i) Do not tow animals or carry animals without a container;

(j) Adhere to other traffic rules stipulated by laws and regulations.

In addition, drivers of electric bicycles shall not engage in the following behaviors when driving on the road:

(a) Reversing direction;

(b) Driving under the influence of alcohol;

(c) Driving assembled, illegally modified, or altered vehicles;

(d) Drivers and passengers not properly wearing safety helmets, or passengers not facing forward while riding;

(e) Driving on the sidewalk or in the motor vehicle lane on roads with designated non-motorized vehicle lanes;

(f) Crossing a motor vehicle lane without dismounting and pushing the bike; crossing at a pedestrian crossing or using a pedestrian overpass if available;

(g) Other behaviors prohibited by laws and regulations.

4. Parking and Charging    

* When parking an electric bicycle on the road, park in designated non-motorized vehicle parking areas; if no such area is provided, do not obstruct other vehicles or pedestrians. It is strictly forbidden to park electric bicycles in motor vehicle lanes and non-motorized vehicle lanes.

* Electric bicycles should be charged at designated charging locations. It is strictly prohibited for any entity or individual to engage in the following behaviors:

(a) Parking electric bicycles or charging them in the public hallways, evacuation corridors, exits, stairwells, or indoor areas that do not meet fire safety conditions of buildings;

(b) Placing flammable and explosive hazardous materials in centralized electric bicycle charging areas;

(c) Violating electrical safety requirements by privately laying wires or sockets to charge electric bicycles;

(d) Using improperly modified charging equipment;

(e) Charging improperly modified batteries;

(f) Other behaviors prohibited by laws and regulations.

5. Liability for Illegal Charging

For such behavior as: parking electric bicycles or charging them in the public hallways, evacuation corridors, exits, stairwells, or indoor areas that do not meet fire safety conditions of buildings will be subject to legal penalties by the fire rescue department.

Placement of flammable and explosive hazardous materials in centralized electric bicycle charging areas will be handled by relevant authorities according to law.

If a fire accident occurs, the fire rescue department or the public security organ will impose legal penalties according to law.          
