Ferrari Catches Fire on SH Elevated Road, Rear Half in Ruins

Ferrari Catches Fire on Shanghai Elevated Road, Rear Half in Ruins

On the afternoon of June 29th, shocking images surfaced online as a Ferrari burst into flames on the North-South Elevated Road in Shanghai. Reports indicate that the rear of the vehicle was severely damaged, prompting a swift response from multiple fire trucks.

According to sources, the incident occurred at 1:23 PM local time near the entrance of Tianmu Road heading towards the Bund, causing partial lane closures and resulting in slow-moving traffic behind the scene.

By 2:44 PM, firefighters successfully managed to extinguish the flames and clear the affected lanes, restoring normal traffic flow along the North-South Elevated Road.

The cause of the fire and extent of the damage to the luxury vehicle have not yet been officially confirmed.

Source: 乐行上海

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