Youth Day Special: Hangzhou Man Redefines Youth by Living It Out

Source: HangzhouTube, Global Times, Xinhua News,

Good afternoon

Fan Guozhi, a 46-year-old marathon runner, fitness fanatic and volunteer who has been working in the hairdressing industry for almost three decades in Hangzhou, knew nothing about fitness or workouts six years ago.

"As a hairdresser, I used to work very late at night and usually had midnight meals after work," he recalled. "In 2014, my weight was only 55 kilograms, but I had a pot belly. At that time, I felt tired from time to time, but couldn't find any diseases when I went to the hospital."

His poor state of health made him decide to make some changes and he started to go to the gym.

"Today, no one can imagine that I had no interest in any exercise in the first 40 years of my life," Fan said. "But I always believe that people should do something we don't like to strengthen our wills."

Fan kept exercising through self-study. Now, he has reached the weight of 61 kilograms and a body fat ratio of less than 10 percent.

In October 2018, Fan joined a running event by accident which led to him keeping fit by running, and he has grown into an excellent runner in the eyes of his peers.

In addition to his roles of hairdresser and runner, he has also done his part to serve society.

Fan has kept a tradition in his salon that people older than 65 are welcome to have free haircuts every Monday morning. "I don't know the exact number of people that we've served, but I will keep offering the service as long as the salon is open." he said.

"Just live a happy and bold life. This has always been my motto," said Fan Guozhi.

Chinese mainland reports no new domestically transmitted COVID-19 cases Sunday

Chinese health authority said Monday that no new domestically transmitted cases of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) were reported on the Chinese mainland on Sunday.

The National Health Commission received reports of three new confirmed COVID-19 cases on the Chinese mainland on Sunday, all of which were imported.

One suspected case arriving from overseas was reported in Shanghai, the commission said in its daily report.

No deaths related to the disease were reported, according to the commission.

China sees 85 mln domestic tourist trips in three days

China saw nearly 85 million domestic tourist trips in the first three days of its five-day May Day holiday which started May 1, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism said Sunday.

Tourism revenue totaled 35.06 billion yuan (4.97 billion U.S. dollars) from May 1 to May 3.

On Sunday alone, domestic tourists made 30.94 million trips nationwide, bringing a total tourism revenue of 12.43 billion yuan (1.78 billion U.S. dollars), according to the ministry.

China sees sharp increase of registered import, export enterprises in March

Chinese customs authorities recorded 26,709 new registered import and export enterprises in March, up 53.12 percent year on year, according to the General Administration of Customs (GAC).

The GAC saw 39,442 new registered import and export enterprises in the first quarter of 2020.

The total import and export value in March increased 57.42 percent from February.

With the notable growth in March, the number of the registered enterprises and the import and export value is gradually recovering to the normal level before the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic.

Hangzhou starts selecting official hotels for Asian Games

The organizing committee of the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games held a meeting on selecting hotels to provide official reception services on April 29.

The organizing committee plans to choose no more than 70 official hotels across Hangzhou (excluding Jiande, a county-level city in Hangzhou).

The hotels will range from three to five stars, and will be reviewed by the organizing committee of the Hangzhou Asian Games and OCA.

For Expats in Zhejiang

