Official Training Center Start Schedule! - Includes Requirements

Source: OT-Team (AFJ)

As public schools in China have gradually resumed classes, the off-campus training institutions will also come back to business. As of April 28th, 2020, ten Chinese provinces including Anhui, Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Hunan, Shanxi, Gansu, Guizhou, and Jilin have announced their schedules of the resumptions of the training institutions along with the specific requirements before and after.

Training Institutions in 10 Chinese Provinces to Resume Work (as of April 28)

Requirements Before and After Resumption

Before reopening, all training institutions shall fully grasp the health condition of the students, faculty and their family members in the past 14 days. Those who have been to the medium-or-high-risk areas should be reported to the local CDC.

All the off-campus training institutions shall be disinfected in an all-round way and be equipped with sufficient protective equipment, including masks, disinfectants and mercury thermometers.

Training institutions shall arrange classes in a staggered manner to avoid gathering of students or parents, as well as keep the windows open to ensure ventilation. Besides, schools shall halt the use of air conditioners.

During the training activities, once any of the staff or the students is found having a fever (body temperature is over 37.3 ), the training institutions shall stop the classes immediately, and report it to the local education department and the CDC timely, meanwhile, have the campus well disinfected.

Strict Rule on Fee Collection

On April 16, 2020, the China's Ministry of Education required that all off-campus training institutions for primary and middle school students are not allowed to charge fees for more than three months per time or do it in a disguised way. Once such a violation is found, the relevant departments will deal with it in a serious manner.

The Announcement

