Guangzhou Confirms 39 New Cases, Asymptomatic Total Is Now

The southern Chinese city of Guangzhou recently reported 39 new confirmed COVID-19cases, all from foreign residents who had shown no visible symptoms, which brings the total of asymptomatic cases to 102 in Guangdong provinces capital.

Xia Haihui, an official with the Guangzhou Municipal Health Commission and on behalf of Guangzhou, encourages foreigners to take an nucleic acid test in designated hospitals, especially those who have traveled abroad before and after the outbreak of the epidemic; who may have come into contact with confirmed COVID-19 cases and suspected cases; and those who have a fever, respiratory problems, or other symptoms.

He carried on with a reminder to all foreign residents who have completed their 14-day quarantine to undergo another nucleic acid test, one and two weeks after the end of their isolation period, to ensure they would be officially free from any resurgent coronavirus infection.

We strongly encourage foreign travelers and residents to work with us in combatting the COVID-19 pandemic by taking a test if they suspect to have been in close contact with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases, Xia said. It is not only the right thing to do to protect your own health, but also the health of many others in our city.

This reminder aims to stop the spread of imported cases throughout the city and beyond by controlling it as much as they can on an individual level. 

Apart from the 16 hospitals dedicated to nucleic acid testing, foreign patients can also visit any medical institution in Guangzhou with a fever clinic to check their body temperatures and receive nucleic acid testing after filling out the required form of their epidemiological history.

The designated hospitals have selected medics who can speak foreign languages to provide efficient medical service to all incoming patients.

Source: xinhua

Editor: Crystal H

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