Arrivals to Beijing Must Provide Nucleic Acid Test Certificate!

All arrivals to Beijing who need to stay at hotels must provide a nucleic acid test certificate from April 12, local authorities said Friday.

People entering the capital city who need to stay at hotels should hold a health certificate verifying a negative local nucleic acid test within seven days, as well as a health code to prove they are free of COVID-19, Zhou Weiming, an official with Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, told a press briefing on epidemic prevention and control.

Hotels should also strictly follow epidemic prevention and control rules, including checking the health certificate provided by guests, supervising the check-in information, conducting morning and evening temperature tests on guests, and paying close attention to their health status.

The decision was made as Beijing is now under pressure to guard against a rebound of locally-transmitted COVID-19 cases as well as imported cases, Zhou said.

Beijing reported no new confirmed cases of COVID-19 on Thursday. As of Thursday, 172 imported cases had been reported in the city, of which 66 had been discharged from hospitals after recovery.

Source: xinhua

Editor: Crystal H

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