20200427 China News

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Voice Broadcast

April  27, 


China News

3 minutesKnow China


Premier Li Keqiang has called for resolute efforts to expand domestic demand with multiple measures to promote the rebound of consumer spending and spur the growth of online retail sales to stabilize China's economic fundamentals and restore growth.


The Guangdong Consumer Council has arranged talks with many online game companies in the province, urging them to take social responsibility and introduce effective and concrete measures to protect the consumption rights and interests of minors.


Though the number of in-store customers has been curtailed due to COVID-19, shops in the Haining Leather Center in Hangzhou, East China's Zhejiang province, have seen orders going up by a staggering number, as they drum up their businesses online.


China's securities regulator said on Friday it had approved the launch of hog futures by the Dalian Commodity Exchange (DCE) in a long awaited move for the world's top pork producer.


China and the United States should take the opportunity to fulfill the phase-one China-US economic and trade agreement to enhance cooperation and remove destabilizing factors to boost bilateral business ties, the Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday.


China retains ample policy room to shore up the virus-hit economy amid sustained epidemic control measures, officials with multilateral development banks (MDBs) said.


A total of 537 China-Europe freight trains passed through the port of Erenhot in North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region as of Thursday this year, according to local customs.

SourceGlobaltimes, Xinhuanet, Chinadaily, Shine, GdtodayChina Plus News

Author: Producer Emilio Mendez

Speaker: Caroline Parraguez

Edition: EAcham

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