Zero Domestic China COVID-19 Cases for First Time Since Outbreak

No new domestically transmitted cases of the coronavirus disease known as COVID-19 were reported on the Chinese mainland on Wednesday, according to data from Chinese health authorities on Thursday, in a first since they started recording numbers in January.

However, the National Health Commission did receive reports of 34 newly confirmed COVID-19 cases, all of which were imported, reports Shine.

Of those, 21 were reported in Beijing, nine in Guangdong province, two in Shanghai and one in Heilongjiang and Zhejiang provinces, respectively. By the end of Wednesday, 189 imported cases had been reported, according to the commission.

Eight deaths, all in Hubei province, and 23 newly suspected cases were also reported on the Chinese mainland. The overall confirmed cases on the mainland had reached 80,928 by the end of Wednesday, including 7,263 patients who were still being treated, 70,420 patients who had been discharged after recovery and 3,245 people who died of the disease.

The commission said that 105 people were still suspected of being infected with the virus.

READ MORE: School is Back in Session (For Some) in China

[Cover Image via NIAID-RML]

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