When Your Swimming PE Instructor Demoes It in His Bedroom

Following signs of improvements that the outbreak is, we hope, soon coming to an end in China, several provinces have announced the reopening of schools for certain levels of students.

Among them: 

Guizhou: Juniors and seniors will officially resume classes on March 16.

Shanxi: Third graders will start school back on March 25, while final year university students will be back in school in early April.

Qinghai: In principle, regular high schools and secondary vocational schools will open in succession from March 9 to 13. Junior high schools will open from March 16 to 20.

Xinjiang: Juniors and seniors in Grade 3, as well as final year students in secondary vocational schools, will resume classes on March 16.

According to the latest response from the Ministry of Education, schools should meet the following three conditions when considering reopening their doors:

1. The epidemic in their province and area has been declared under control, which must be determined by relevant expert medical authorities.

2. Parents must all believe, or at least agree for the most part, that sending their children back to school is safe.

3. The necessary prevention and control procedures will be put in place after resuming classes to provide assistance if needed.

While the above-mentioned provinces are beginning to proceed with reopening schools, many across the country remain closed and may expect to continue postponing their reopening further.

In the meantime, many students are having to pursue their studies online, which has frustrated a fair amount of teachers, students and parents, for their own reasons. We published an article about it not long ago: "Forced to Connect Online, Teachers & Students Are Going Nuts!"

Heres a funny sample from that article:

Parent A: I hope whoevers upstairs is done skipping or jumping around My kid is trying to follow his online class.

Parent B: Sorry, my child is having PE class.

Speaking of PE class, we found a series of peculiar memes and snippets of online fitness classes and videos from school teachers who will make you think twice before agreeing to stay active over the internet.

Heres one: this instructor is demoing a set of 15 squats

He then checked his screen to see how his students were doing and saw dozens of them "jumping" in front of their screen.


Taichi class

No swimming pool? No problem. 

His dog: What are you doing?!?!?

Practicing holding your breath underwater.

Now checking his students:

What to do if you dont have a ping pong paddle to practice with at home:

Holding your phone:

Or your slippers:

No real jump rope? Just pretend you have one!

How music students take their conducting class:

Dance students taking virtual classes is basically a big online talent show audition:

How happy is this child sitting in front of a computer screen taking his classes online one by one!?

While some of those methods can be questionable, the important message is to remain active as much as possible to take crucial care of your immune system, not just during this epidemic but even after in your daily life.

These PE teachers are not afraid to show their students how to exercise at home by broadcasting or pre-recording videos.

That being said, lets hope everyone can leave their homes soon to enjoy their PE classes out in public!

Editor: Crystal H

