Washing hands | Protect yourself and others from Coronavirus

Washing hands takes an important part of WHO guidelines on how to prevent the 2019-nCoV. 

"In general, washing your hands with running water and soap for 15 seconds could remove 90% of the bacteria on your hands, and continuous washing for 30 seconds could remove 99.9% of the bacteria."

------Doctor Dingxiang

How to wash your hands effectively?

There was no significant difference in the effectiveness of ordinary and bactericidal soaps against coronaviruses. If you cant use soap and water, using 70 to 80% alcohol-based hand sanitizer is more effective, and wash your hands with soap and water ASAP once you can. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.

(Source from WHO/ Doctor Dingxiang / Internet

e.g.: https://www.cdc.gov/handwashing/when-how-handwashing.html)


International Support Team

Department of Campus Life

