Special Times Call for Special Greetings:Virus-Friendly Ways To

If anything, this outbreak has reminded us all how important washing your hands is and how wary we can be of direct contact with others.

This was recently exemplified by Germanys Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer, who refused to shake PM Angela Merkels hand and instead smiled at each other.

What other ways have people resorted to when greeting one another?

How about your feet?

Fist to fist

Elbow Exchange

This adorable Italian grandmother recommends saying hello with a wink.

Be mindful that you might be sending a few mixed signals if you start winking at everyone around you

But please pay attention to wear a mask!

The outbreak cannot beat the optimism and friendliness of global people.

Looking forward to the day when we take off our masks, we can all shake hands and hug each other!

Editor: Crystal H

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