NOTICE: Continued Closure & HSK Test Cancellation

It's been 2 months that Silk Mandarin has been closed for Chinese New Year holidays and the subsequent COVID-19 outbreak afterwards. 

We have decided to still stay closed for the time being, complying with the decision of the government about pausing all current off-line education to ensure safety. 

Although the Shanghai government has lowered the signal of the emergency level, the city, as one of the biggest window cities in China, is still faced with high risks coming from overseas carriers.

But meanwhile, 16 provinces (out of 34 province-level administrations in China) such as Jiangsu and Yunnan have announced that school starts from the end of the month or April (updated on March 24th)We hope Shanghai will also confirm the date to resume all offline education very soon. We will also keep you updated on the situation via this WeChat account as soon as we have further news. 

At the same time, it's exciting to see most of Silk's students are resuming Chinese learning via the online portal with their teachers. We believe the online platform has been benefiting their Chinese learning with its efficiency and consistency in the past 2 months.

 Click the pic to know more about the details of online class

Even though the campuses are closed, Silk Mandarin team's work hasn't stopped. We are taking advantage of this special time to further develop the course so it can work perfectly both online and offline.

Silk Mandarin team is dedicated to developing video classes during this COVID-19 quarantine time and we hope to launch these video courses very soon!

We are also very sorry to see that the virus has caused a more serious worldwide epidemic during the last 3 weeks. Travelling around the world has become extremely difficult at the moment. The quarantine policy here in China has also maximized the challenge of returning.

All of Silk's friends, no matter where you are and how you are doing, if you need any help from us, feel free to let us know!

We miss all of you!

Take care and stay safe!

We all believe this is going to end eventually and we will see you again very soon!


(According to the official announcement in Chinese)

According to notices released from the official Chinese Test Center, the Chinese Proficiency Tests held in China on the 11th of April, for HSK, HSKK and BCT are cancelled.

If you have already registered for one of the tests above, then all the registrations will be rescheduled to the test dates later after the COVID-19's epidemic gets controlled.

Please directly contact the testing venue to which you have registered if you need any help. We will also keep you updated here once we get more information from the Chinese test office.

Click "Read more" to read the original notice

 400 803 5300 / +8602162378028

 [email protected]

