Four Newly Confirmed Imported Cases in Zhejiang!

Source: HangzhouTube, Xinhua News

Good morning

On March 15th, Zhejiang announced 4 newly confirmed imported cases, one in Hangzhou and the other three in Qingtian. 

The patient reported in Hangzhou is a female. She left Boston for New York on March 8th and flew to Shanghai on March 9th, and was transferred for isolation. She developed symptoms at the observation site on March 12th and was diagnosed on March 14th

The other three patients in Qingtian were overseas Chinese. 

The first patient is male, 19 years old, returned from Madrid, Spain and is now being isolated for treatment in a designated hospital. 

The second and third patients are a couple returned from Venice, Italy, the husband is 59 years old and the wife is 57 years old, and they both. As of now, they have been under treatment in a designated hospital. 

It is reported that the three cases are in strict accordance with the requirements of closed-loop management, with no external contact in the whole process. 

1,370 recovered COVID-19 patients discharged on Chinese mainland

A total of 1,370 patients of the novel coronavirus disease were discharged from the hospital on March 14 on the Chinese mainland, according to the National Health Commission.


Altogether 66,911 patients had been discharged from hospital after recovery by the end of March 14, the commission said in its daily report.

As of March 14, a total of 80,844 confirmed cases of the COVID-19 had been reported on the mainland, and 3,199 people had died of the disease.

Passengers providing wrong information to face criminal charges

People falsifying health information to enter the country will face criminal charges, authorities warn.

An inbound passenger, whose destination is South China's Guangdong province, registers his information at the New China International Exhibition Center in Beijing, capital of China, March 14, 2020.

Sleep quality suffers during outbreak

More Chinese people haven't had good sleep quality over the past two months than before, despite being able to sleep longer hours while working from home during the novel coronavirus outbreak, according to a survey released on March 14, ahead of World Sleep Day that falls on March 21.

The survey, conducted by the Chinese Sleep Research Society, included interviews with 2,004 people aged between 19 and 80 via questionnaire in 31 provinces between Jan 1 and Feb 29.


The survey found that more than half the respondents go to bed after midnight during isolation while before January, 90 percent of them would fall asleep before 12 am.


Among the night owls, about 61 percent played with their mobile phones after failing to fall asleep. And about 47 percent of the phone users browse health news and 46 percent surf their social media.


Huang Zhili, professor from the school of Basic Medical Sciences at Fudan University, and also the president of the Chinese Sleep Research Society suggests people need to keep a healthy lifestyle with early hours and follow it strictly, especially during the virus outbreak.

Hangzhou man donated nearly 130,000 Yuan to fight against the virus but got this!

On March 5th, a man wearing a mask walked into the government of Guali Town, Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, handed over the black plastic bag to the staff and turned around to leave.

The staff opened it and saw a lot of cash in it, which later turned to be about 130,000 Yuan, and thus they rushed after the man. The man said, "now everyone is fighting the epidemic, I want to donate some money to express my support", and then he walked away.

The news was quickly spread in the town. Through various inquiries, the government staff found out that the man's name was Yang, 54 years old, who came from Henan to work in the town 30 years ago. There are seven people in Yangs family, and he lives by collecting waste materials.

Per Yang, during the Spring Festival, he was in Henan, always paying attention to the news of the national anti-epidemic situation. He was deeply moved by the sacrifice of the frontline medical staff and the great effort made by the nation. On March 5, Yang returned to Hangzhou and withdrew his life savings from the bank and donated it to the government to fight against the virus.

Considering the economic situation of Yang's family, the cadres of the town and village insisted returning the money. After repetitive explanations, they and Yang came up with a compromisethey returned 120,000 Yuan of Yang's donation and accepted the rest, which was 9273.4 Yuan.

"In the early years, my life was tough. With the help of the government, it has been gradually improved. Now the country is in danger, so I want to help and give something back to the society! " Yang said.

For Expats in Zhejiang

