Fight Against Virus Shows Improvement as Wuhan Closes 14...

Two makeshift hospitals were closed on Sunday in Wuhan, the capital of central China's Hubei Province and the heart of the novel coronavirus outbreak, as the number of patients continued to drop and thus the unoccupied space is no longer needed, according to local authorities.

One of these two hospitals, converted from a sports venue, had 1,000 beds with more than 1,000 medical and other staff. A total of 1,056 patients had been treated there since February 12 without infecting any of the medical staff involved.

Another one, covering over 6,100 square meters, had treated 990 patients with 996 beds since February 17. All medical staff from these two hospitals are on standby until further notice.

In total, the city has closed 14 makeshift hospitals which were converted from public facilities for the treatment of patients with mild symptoms in the city as of 3 p.m.

The Provincial Health Commission recently reported that Hubei is expected to continue shutting down more temporary hospitals gradually and cut the number of hospitals designated for disease treatments while maintaining strict prevention and control measures.

Before the last night shift, on the way to the temporary hospitals, the medical team sang "sunshine always comes after wind and rain". 


If youre in a reading mood today, weve published a couple of articles about medical staff and patients. 

Click the links below for more:

How Doctors & Patients Turn Hospitals Into Vibrant Dance Floors

Adorable Medical Staff Fighting the Virus Caught on Camera

Source: xinhua

Editor: Crystal H

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